telegraphs are good/fine to have
it’s just imo dmg reducts are not tho, let alone on a boss with nothing else but raw magick dmg at their disposal
I don’t get this “not exciting” stuff. You want exciting, play SR 36+ and pull the entire boss room with a build not designed to do it.
The reason the excitement is gone is because you’ve done it a billion times. That genie has been let outta the bottle. I am sure someone with less then 100 hrs is all sweaty palms doing content for the first time on ultimate campaign with a home brew build.
On topic: I think the only thing is what determines if something is a projectile (at least for me). Most times I bet someone dies because they don’t realize their one proc on something is classified as a projectile, it goes off, and insta gibs them. That’s how I lost my trickster. Had 2 double rare MI items with projectile procs and forgot after not playing it for a while. Death soon followed in SR 37 boss room.
This topic has been here before. It didn’t move the needle before. It won’t now nor should it. However if you think he’s hard now can’t wait to get my teeth kicked in during an ascendent play through.
the reason it’s not obvious is because a lot non projectile procs can still count as projectile
most obvious offender is ofc Volcanic stride, “ground effect” = projectile for the purpose of triggering the aura, buuut not for the purpose of using deflect
when i was experimenting i think it turned out some debuffs like Assassin’s mark or matriach ring? counted too (i don’t remember which), and that absolutely floored me even more than the Volcanic stride revelation
Double “fun” fact, because those very same things that do count as projectiles for triggering the retal aura does then not count as “projectile” for triggering shield block that was a, less fun, recent experience learned, - “rules for thee not for me”
(shield block v projectiles is a whole other can of weird worms/inconsistencies)
Okay, I grabbed a different, much tankier build to see what Valdaran’s tell is, and apparently it’s that it uses the opposite hand of what it normally uses to cast it spells, but otherwise it can do things like put up the aura and then immediately teleport to you while having the aura up so that an accidental equipment proc can have the aura go haywire.
So, it’s not an easy tell, but it is a tell. I wish it were something more obvious like a half-second after using the Doom Bolt Lightning attack (it would need to be changed to activate at all ranges), especially since hand motions are pretty hard to single out when you’re fighting in a group of monsters, but it’s at least something to go off of.
i don’t know what’s available for Reanimators in terms of existing animations/sounds, (assuming Z isn’t going to create new ones just for this),
would probably need a modder/but a modder might be able to scroll through the existing elements and see if anything is useable/preferable or “highly pronounced” enough to satisfy, eg Grava raising arms/MQ screams
Valdaran uses the Reanimator model so why not work along those lines. Instead of the shotgun attack, he can summon killable lightning-themed creatures. He can differentiate himself from Zantarin by summoning fast-moving (i.e. lightning fast) creatures.
And get rid of the teleport. It’s lame, gimmicky and not fun to deal with.
Valdaran is the original teleporter, leave it alone.
That’s the most memorable thing about him!
Indeed, his teleport is the one thing that makes Valdaran interesting. It’s not lame, but he would be lame without it.
I’m strongly against removing valdy’s teleport
Every time a thread is started to ask for Nemesis nerfs, their stats go up 1%.
That said, we’ll give his retribution aura’s fx another look.
heck yea
Thanks everyone for sharing their thoughts, hopefully this will make a positive impact on the game
Alright, so you guys like the teleport. But how about making it more fun to deal with? Like making it dodgeable instead of something you involuntarily have to accept.
This can be accomplished by having Val inscribe a circle on the ground beneath you. Then after a short while, if you are still in that circle, you get teleported and maybe also damaged with some lightning. There can be some cool graphical effects with this.
In terms of implementation, the circle can be Val’s “player pet” that does the actual teleporting. Val would merely summon the circle.
then it wouldn’t be a surprise
it being a surprise is what makes it hilarious/“annoying”/the whole function of the move, it’s like “oops something happened” because i ran too far away
Please no. I don’t like this trend of clearly marking spots on the ground where an attack is about to happen. It feels cheap, as if designers had no better ideas than: “Here circle, don’t stand in it and you’ll be safe.”
Ok folks our task has been assigned!
I do think grava could use a buff tho; he’s pretty weaksauce except for his null balls which are easy to avoid. Fumble is annoying ofc but maybe he can get his base damage bumped a bit?
I’d like to hear your ideas, if you have any.
Since his small stature, his aura sometimes hard to see when the screen is full with other fx.
I’d prever to give him fx similar to reflect mob but blue colored or give him icon above his head when his aura active.
New FX looks dope btw
(inb4 lightning builds complaint about visibility)