Show extra skill points over the hardcap ingame?

Using items, a Skill can be upgraded/overcapped to a maximum of +10 points. But you can still have more points in it even though it won’t have any effect other than wasted points.

But currently, there is no ingame indicator on the skill itself that you have points in it over the hard cap.

For example, if you have 27/16 on a skill, it will still show 26/16 ingame.

So how about doing it the GrimTools way and show the extra skill points?

Maybe like this: 26(+1)/16

I know it is not exactly anything major, but might be a decent QoL update, especially for new players.


+1 to that

the only way to notice it actually is to check your hardcapped skills and then go to the spirit guid, buy back a point and see if someting happens (if not your skill is over-hardcapped).

GT does it right imo.

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I like the idea. At bare minimum, it would be worth it to simply recolor the skill point number from blue text to red in order to tip the player off that the hardcap was exceeded.

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+1 … skill points on items are changing with patches.

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+1 to this idea. Back in AoM I was heavily reliant on GT to identify surplus SP

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+1 Would be nice to have this.

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I always thought this was already in the game, just didn’t know which button to press.

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+1 to this

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