
Can you create a conjurer optimized for campaign? Your crucible builds are great but some of us don’t play crucible and don’t know how to mix max builds.

Gd stash one if you’re missing items please. Someone tells me chaos is the best for campaign and then the next day lightning ravens is. I’m lost on deciding which to aim for.

Please… I’m going to start playing next weekend and don’t want to level up the wrong devotions or anything.

The PM feature exists, y’know.

I did a while ago with no response. I really just want to see what he could make that’s min maxed for campaign on a conjurer.

I assume you meant min-max, but mix is actually the right word. Everyone’s play style is a little different, and every piece of content in the game is a little different, so to find a build that is optimal to both how you play and what content you’re playing, you’re going to need to mix up the devotions and equipment a bit. There is no such thing as “best”.

Also, to reiterate what a lot of people have already told you, any build that can clear gladiator will destroy any campaign content.

Here are a few options you can try. All of them will have a very easy time with everything in the campaign.
Chaos Witching Hour Conjurer
Lost Souls Hellhound Conjurer
Lightning Beastcaller’s Conjurer
Familiar Conjurer
Familiar + Beastcaller’s Conjurer

Thanks but things like dying god and time dial isnt optimized for campaign which is why I would really want a build soely focused on doing campaign. Some of those gear choices would be different too due to no crucible buffs right? Min maxed is what I meant.

If you think you know what’s optimized for campaign, why are you asking me?

This isn’t the first time this particular user is making threads asking someone to spoonfeed him a build.

If you’re getting a new get-up and playing everything for the first time again, stick with Conjurer, stick with Physical Pets, grind until you get the Mythical Beastcaller’s Set, and follow this thread here: sigatrev’s Nature’s Guardian Pet Build

There are other builds that can beat Crucible faster, but those rely on Dying God (Chaos builds in particular as Dying God gives your pets a significant chunk of Chaos Damage) and Time Dilation, skills that you specifically stated you don’t want to use. The builds based on maxing Summon Familiar are not optimized for campaign because the Ravens are more suited for small arena-like gameplay like the Crucible than they would be for large open-area places like most areas in the Campaign.

If you want to manage Ishtak so that it activates on your time-table, bind it to a temporary buff like Call of the Beast so you know that you’re using it for maximum effectiveness (when you’re fighting a tough boss) and you’re not wasting it on a random trash mob.

Here’s the Lightning one by comparison (choose the Conjurer)

The Lightning build is faster in Crucible clear time, but with the Raven doing worse in large open areas, it’s a wash to say which one would do better. It goes without saying that having 2 Ravens means you can’t have the Yeti, which you mentioned you want to have in your build. So that makes the choice even easier.

Go with Sigatrev’s Physical Pet build. It gives you everything you want and avoids the skills you don’t want to manage.

None of the gear would change between Crucible and Campaign. The slots you see are the best you’re going to get - there aren’t any superior gear slots that sigatrev is opting to leave out because of Crucible differences.

I ask people to build for me because they have more experience than me. I probably would probably choose a wrong component or devotion and not be min maxed.

I tried a few builds with gd stash.

Familiar conjurer doesn’t seem that great in campaign. Not when compared chaos conjurer or a primal spirit focused build. The boss burst just isn’t there.

Chaos conjurer with ishtak destroys super fast with ease. Super high burst without dying God or mogdrogen. So tanky. 80 all pet res with my devotion setup. Is chaos/witching hour really that strong jeez…? Has aoe with flame torrent and guardian gaze.

Chaos may just be the winner unless physical would out perform it in campaign but I don’t have time to gd stash it right now.

If I post the chaos variant I edited will one of you look it over for mistakes? Like a better component choice or other small things? Can’t post it till tomorrow sadly.

Are you sure?

You will make mistakes no matter what. But this game isn’t some big financial decision that will ruin your life if you get it wrong. Just play the game normally. Mistakes will make you learn more about the game. Even if you play the best build but play like shit you’ll still die. A lot.

This is what me editing a build looks like. My components arent optimized what so ever I know it. I’m having resist issues. Everything is barely 80 (for some reason pierce says 78 when it’s exactly 80 in game). Not really where I would like them to be.

Build feels super strong though with great burst without dying god/mogdrogen ect. The resistances are just bad.

No responses to the link I posted :frowning:

Idk anything about pet optimization so I chose not to reply. Let’s wat for sigatrev or tpom if they’re willing to comment.

You could still help with components if there’s better choices on maxing my resist easier.

:frowning: 10 character limit

im not into conjurers but these are my thoughts after 5 minutes:

  1. pump more points to storm spirit and get rid of some of the spellscorched platings
  2. no augment on the amulet?
  3. get rid of mark of mog on the boots
  4. again, i dont know much about about conjurers, but devotions seem kinda off. why the lizard? take hound. or better yet also dump that lion, take crossroads yellow and tower. bonds are like take two nodes or forget it. get rid of jackal and you 2 free and some health for the summoner.
  5. maybe its a good idea to actually BIND devotions to something?
  6. you sport those two voidwhispers so you must really love that chaos, give dying god a try, seriously. don’t say its not “optimized” for mc. what does it even mean?

@IOnlyplaypetbuilds: Your “not optimized” seems really hard to understand , since well, my conjurer following sigatrev build (with dying god) just melt all content in main campaign … :rolleyes:

Dying god is a must have for every chaos pet builds (at least that’s what I think)

1: with what extra points?
2: yeah totally missed it but was fixed a long time ago just not updated
3: no
4: what? jackal is good. lizard is good for getting ishtak.
5: they are just not updated on the link
6: you dont need dying god for anything but bosses it has a minimal effect on anything else since everything already dies so fast. ishtak is great though.