Sigil of Consumption animation

I recently started a pyromancer and was really happy to see that they made Blackwater Cocktail’s animation relative to its size (they most likely did this a long time ago but I hadn’t touched the skill for a few years)
I do however notice that Sigil of Consumption has that same problem and the sigil itself doesn’t match the size of the skill. Here is a video demo:

As you can see I have no gear, the only devotion skill I have is twin fangs (which isn’t even bound to the Sigil) and even at rank 4 the sigil’s visuals are that misaligned with the AoE itself.
It would be great if the sigil’s size scaled with the AoE!

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The issue is that since the skill scales it’s size with each rank, to properly make the fx match the actual size you need to make an effect for every rank. Atm there are like 3-4 fx for the skill, not including the variants for dmg conversions. In the end you’re asking for over a hundred fx for one skill. Now consider all the other skills that would require the same treatment, because why would you do this for one skill and not all? Thousands of skill fx that have to be made. That’s a tremendous amount of work for such a minor detail considering the game is “done”

Why would new effects be necessary and not just up-scaling of current ones (with their texture resolution being the potential obstacle)?

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The fx for blackwater cocktail scales with rank though.

There is also no need to make a separate fx for different ranks, objects in 99% of game engines have a scale setting to make them larget or smaller, all you need is a high enough resolution picture so that it doesn’t get too pixilated when it’s enlarged. (I have studied programming for three years, two of which where focused on game development, I’ve not yet finished my education but I know enough to say this with certainty)

Yeah well you’d be wrong to assume so.

I assume then that you have confirmed this to be the case with the developers?
I do see that you are a play tester so if you’ve checked with them and they said you I have no choice but to believe you, but it would still be odd for that to be the case.

I admit Blackwater effect looks like many smaller effects nicely overlaid to appear as a single big fire. Which wouldn’t work with Sigil. So maybe up-scaling is not feasible with the engine.

We generally give a little leeway to the FX relative to the area, but sigil was a big egregious. I scaled them up and added a 4th fx to make the transitions a little smoother, for the v1.1.7.1 hotfix.

I wouldn’t say the sigil will be 1:1 of the full area, but the more subtle glow around it would be.


Alright I can get behind that, thanks for the reply! (and to ASYLUM101, I apologize if I came of as disrespectful)

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