Sinister prefix got no compensation for the removal of %armor piercing

It basically looks like this now:


While Heart Piercing still looks like this:


Same goes for Will of the Blade amulet and probably few other items that had it. I think Sinister can get some 1-3% adtch and Will of the Blade can get ~10% healing effects since its proc is leeching, or maybe another res.


Why do these require compensation?

Sinister has a Berserker bonus in FoA.


That’s cool.

Maybe actually not, except for Sinister. At the same, Will of the Blade did lose a bit of value, so little extra res won’t hurt (or cc-res).

I didn’t get compensation for reading this thread


You are not getting paid for participating in GD public tests??!

that would be nice

but no one have told us that, did they? it just looks so poor now
after all it’s good to hear that Sinister would get new bonus, though a bit late😵‍💫

you didn’t get compensation for skipping your logic class