Sir Spank's and Heatwave's Skyfire grenado Purifier - ~550k crits unbuffed/unbannered

Interesting. When you say itemizations…can I ask for some specifics? How would you improve it?

Also, not being defensive (just curious), but what’s the flaw in my suggestion?

EDIT: On second thought, I think you might be right. The fact that the only crucy-viable-non-rimetongue-grenado-based build I can think of uses only 1 item which directly modifies grenado goes to show that some serious changes need to be made to improve the items supporting the skill.

Specific things that come to mind, well, like I said before there are three exactly the same item modifiers that give canister bomb pierce > fire. Two of those are clearly redundant. Not exactly grenado I guess, but close.

What annoyed me while playing that build was that there’s plenty of ways to overcap the base skills, trying to hard cap the other nodes is next to impossible. Which is a shame because much of the power of the skills comes from them, the huge crit modifier on grenado for example. And another thing is the to me strange preference for grenado modifiers to sit on two handers, while there are none on off hands or shields and only a couple on pistols.

Anyway, on ulzuins chosen I mostly agree with you. It’s too difficult to cap this skill, doing so requires you to take a fairly useless chaos modifier for grenado (what). The energy cost is prohibitive, I had to use a caster chest to fix that and use the inspiration proc. Not sure about the cdr %, it feels ok to me. If anything the total damage bonus should be bigger.

And another thing is the to me strange preference for grenado modifiers to sit on two handers, while there are none on off hands or shields and only a couple on pistols.

This is nice for those weapons that add a %WD component to 'nado (e.g. blazerush).
What isn’t nice is the crappy +2 to shaman skills on it. It’s basically meant to be played as a fire savagery weapon.

Not sure about the cdr %, it feels ok to me. If anything the total damage bonus should be bigger.

I can get on board with this. Either make the %bonus damage large enough to justify the poor %CD chance, or increase the %CD chance high enough to justify the meager %damage bonus.

ditto for some conversion love on grenado from more sources than just a particular weapon.

I finally dropped it from a build I was working on. As much as I really wanted to use it and love grenado, and in spite of quite a few free skill points to it (9 to the base!), it eventually just couldn’t keep pace in the general scheme of attacks, with all the mixed damages. In terms of being worth an action. When I had to find another hotkey somewhere, I finally had to admit this fact to myself.

I personally want to see grenado be used as a primary source of damage. In my mind, it’s the demolitionist’s equivalent of primal strike.

Bit of a random thought, but grenado being a skill with a non trivial cooldown time, why are there no off hands that have bonuses to it? The gear slot with the biggest chunk of cdr would be a natural fit, to me anyway. Opportunity missed.

The only offhands which are kinda useful are cataclysm, or hellscourge.

I’d argue that’s by accident, not design. One little +2 bonus might as well be nothing.

Good concept and nice implementation!
I’d suggest you to try this also. High Impact is useless imo, you can extract better bonuses from what you have. Adjusted skills and devotions.

Edit: how about Seal of the Corruption for additional Lightning RR?

I think the suggestion is very reasonable. I’ll try it out, but I personally dislike agonizing flames. The AoE on unlevelled BWC is tiny, and it’s on a 5s cooldown.

Ele storm on the other hand is much more reliable and allows me to kite and apply RR constantly.

As for high impact, is it worth giving up the %phys damage? I think it averages out to ~225%.

Seal of corruption is also almost certainly better. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dropping High Impact allows you to made a chain of improvements.
I also think Ele Storm is better, but BWC is nice too, and devotion swaps open the door for full Aeon’s Hourglass. It is definitely better damage-wise than flat fire and non-existing physical damage from High Impact. You can actually bind Aeons to Grenado and shoot double or triple brick in one series.
Edit: you convert all phys damage from Grenado to lightning, no reason to keep % phys damage

%phys bonus applies before conversion though

% bonuses are applied to base damage, only base damage is converted iirc. Not sure about this, but if you’re right, this might open some great possibilities

What am I talking about :smiley: Look at stock Grenado damage with High Impact and without it, but remove the gloves to not distort the measurements with conversion.
It is interesting to see whether % is applied before conversion or after

Will do! I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m basing my assumption on misinformation. :stuck_out_tongue:

I tested it out - dropping high impact = -7% DPS loss on grenado.

That is simply due to the loss from the fire and IT (Without Cindertouch equipped)?
Or is that pure lightning damage? (I calculate that at 280% @75% chance…you’d see a avg. drop of about 9% if the pys bonus was kicking first, before conversion)

So what’s the verdict?

The latter. 7% loss of lightning damage without cindertouched equipped.

Follow up question:

is that for the special case of %bonus chance or is it all +%?

Can you see the %pierce bonus from shattering blast in the pierce-> lit conversion, as well?

Okay, let’s use some terms I’m pulling out my bum to make this simpler:

Skill line: e.g. Grenado --> High impact --> Shattering blast
%Skill Damage: Any %bonus damage seen in this skill line (i.e. %damage from gear excluded)

AFAIK, %skill damage in any skill line applies before transmutation occurs.