Skeletal Servant needs taunt or threat

Skeletal Servant is a tanky pet with the highest grade of health, armor and DA. But it is so strange that Skeletal Servant cause nearly no taunt and no threat, making Servant’s high survival ability useless.
In v1.2.1 changelog, all pets were added base threat generation, but Servant is an exception. Its base threat generation is still 0.

Servant’s anger multiplier is also 1.0, meaning no additional anger/theart. Other tanky pets (Briarthorn, Hellhound) have 1.2-1.3 anger multiplier.

I suggest to add the base threat generation to Servant, which was missed in v1.2.1. It would be better if give its special abilities (the wave attack) additional threat or taunt.


There is no mention of generate threat on the crab spirit either