Skill modifiers apply to main skill or keep separate?

Hi all,
Leveling a cooldown-based Dreeg’s Evil Eye character here, and can’t figure out how valuable, say, Vile Eruption is: does it purely add some (weaker) damage over a larger area, or does it also apply to the main DEE hit?

More generally: some skill modifiers are clearly worded as improving the main skill, but others add an extra effect (fragments, etc.). Does the latter category also apply to the main skill, or not? Or is it a case-by-case (if so, is there a list somewhere)?

Thanks so much!

In this example damage is added to the main hit, not only to additional fragments.
Vile Eruption is more useful (mathematically) for spam DEE than Cooldown I think

For Cooldown you probably go for Path of The three from Oathkeeper and level Occultist to just 32
and use these points for some other Poison source optimally. Or maybe 1p if you level Occultist higher for some reason.

Some info here Secondary Skill Modifiers

That is really helpful–thank you! Both for the info and the secondary skill modifiers list–don’t think I’d have landed on it on my own.

This is a HC character, so I opted for Possession–18% absorption seemed better in the long run than 10% CDR. Was originally planning on Oathbreaker as secondary class for extra movement skill plus the Scions, but then realized Nightblade gets me a second healing skill plus some buffs.

And with Balegor’s Crusher I may add phantasmal blades as practically a second DEE, plus a short-range but ridiculously buffed Poison ring of steel! Will find out how that turns out.

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