Skills granted by items

Hey! Great game, no doubts, but some points are making me uncomfortable and angry - like skills granted by some items. I’m speaking about extra points to some skills of a character’s skill tree. Look, I used to play in the way it had been in D2 - once loot drops you were always able to see if there is a class-specific item offering some extra skill points for some particular character’s skill tree, like “+1 Battle cry/Barbarian only” or “+2 Skeleton mastery/Necromancer only”. And that was very convenient. GD is much less friendly in this regard. “+1 to smth” means nothing to me, I have not yet learnt by heart all skiil names for all characters, was it really so hard to indicate a specific character class for which the skill points are being granted?:confused:

The thing is the majority of items already do this, it’s just it’s part of the name rather than a separate tag on the end.

For example here’s a ring with +1 to Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange and rather than have tags hanging off the end, the name of this ring is Arcanist’s copper band of wisdom. So you know that the skill is an Arcanist skill :wink:

Many items have +1 skills to more than one mastery. In which case it seems to randomly choose which one to display. I agree with the OP, this would be a lot clearer with a DII style approach.

What do you mean by this? :confused:


How would a newer player who doesnt play a Shaman know what class this belongs too.’Val


Sure the Prefix and suffix works with Magic Items but when you get into Epic and legendary. The knowledge of what class the skill belongs to goes out the door.

Totally agree. Thanks for all replies. In addition, as far as I understand there is no such concept in GD like “class-specific item” at all comparing to DII, items in GD do not have class limitations, any character can use any weapon/armor piece/accessory without penalties (just risk that bonus skill granted by item might be useless in case of inappropriate class), just be sure your character has sufficient base parameters values. In DII some items could be used by specific characters only (barbarians were not able to use wands and vise versa, necromancers could not use 2H-heavy swords/axes) and such inappropriate items were colored in red. As long as GD does not have class limitations and many items do not indicate what character their bonus skills belong to it always irritate me as I have switch between game and browser to check skill trees:furious:

Maybe it’s just me, but I fail completely to see why the “I have switch between game and browser instantly” :undecided:

The way I see it is that if the skill isn’t for either of your masteries, your char cannot benefit from those skills anyway, so which ever other mastery they are for is irrelevant at that moment in the game.

Either wear the item for the bonuses it does give you, or just stick it in your stash/shared stash and have a look what they are afterwards. I just don’t see the “stop playing instantly” part of it and the anger towards, what to me, is a very minor point and not something I’d have to stop playing to know instantly, What mastery that I’m not playing at that moment, a skill that my char cannot use is for. :undecided:

Well, I just noted that for me DII was much more convenient in this regard. For me DII was the best action-rpg with honed by numerous patches grind mechanics. Still, GD is a high-grade action-rpg made by canons of the genre, this is an excellent grinder, and the above mentioned is just a small annoying spot that does not affect the general impression.

Agree with you OP. Would help a lot.