Slam / Brutal Slam no longer CD on switched weapon?!

Crate pretty please make it back as it was. The Slam and Brutal Slam granted by Chipped Claw and Severed Claw no longer continue to cool down while you have weapons switched. (…thus the said component is on the non-active weapon set).

I mean what’s the point of shooting creatures, running from them an then switching back to melee only to not be able to Slam the first creature in the face as you were used to. Takes all the fun away. No matter that you’ve waited 10-20 seconds doing something else.

This is absolutely horrible and frustrating change design. Please make it back as it was.

Thanks for considering.

don’t weapon swap in GD :man_shrugging:
Devs have repeatedly “emphasized” this by fixing stuff like cooldown or buff exploits on item swap - heck you even have to resummon your pets if you weap had a +skill change to them

all in all i kinda don’t understand why they still left in the weapon swap function, as it seems to just be a greater source of frustration to players, and having almost 0 benefit - just complete the “emphasis” by removing it all together if so :thinking:
seems like it’s just a “legacy” for the very very few “specific” players that want to ranged+melee fight swap while being okay with the 0 effect benefit thing

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I think devs should host a global vote and let it run for a while like 3 months and gather the data and see if players really don’t want that weapon switch feature or not. If like 10 people out of 100 will be against it then they shouldn’t remove it but if 4 or less etc. then I think it’s safe to do it imo.

A poll on our forums would not represent the GD audience well. Also feedback from June:

I guess they would have removed it by now, if that did not delete the items of the second set.


Well, sometimes sacrifices to our lord and savior Ch’thon needs to be done in order to achieve things we want.


I get your point.

:frowning: because people like to play these games like mashbutton style instead of creative ballet of death, dodging bullets, issuing one kill strikes there, bleeding out at the tip of the sword lenthg there, changing the weapon at the very brink of destruction to the best of outcomes. Yea I get it. Let’s have a mediocre thousand mob slay game again. Damn, the Titan Quest spirit is so dead. I woe the day I supported this game.

I have deleted this game from my account permanently. Grey clouds are looming over the sky, time to travel anew towards the true and just in the future.

i mean… it’s not up to the players, it’s the devs that decide(d) what we can and can’t do or benefit from on weapon switch :man_shrugging:
it’s not like there hasn’t been people wanting to use weapon switch in various ways, stuff like item or buff swap just got considered an exploit or too strong so they(devs) altered
wasn’t long ago someone compained that you couldn’t item replace without unsummon pets, for pet buff/boost which got considered an exploit by devs
-we have a thread going where someone is trying to find use of what can still be done with weapon swap

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