Here I wondered what the ex Iron Lore devs were up to after THQ screwed them… Finding out about this project, and this game, puts a huge smile on my face.
It’s sad, but after reading through the forum a bit, my expectations for this game are higher than for Diablo3.
…Maybe not so surprising, Activision’s poison has begun to hit Blizzard. :furious:
Here’s looking forward to the alpha, best wishes to the Crave staff, oh and… hello, to everyone, lol.
To be honest, I keep forgetting that Diablo 3 is even coming. For some reason these increasingly higher budget titles are starting to wear on me. :undecided: Lots of times for less money I can get more intriguing games (Grim Dawn, Minecraft, etc…) that hold my attention for just as long. Mass Effect 2 is still waiting for me to finish it, and I’ve had it for months.
Having said that, I’m sure I’ll still get Diablo 3. Partly because of the good memories of Diablo 1 & 2.