I love that two mods chimed in with ‘smoking is gross why even’
Just kidding. Thanks, I feel supported!
I love that two mods chimed in with ‘smoking is gross why even’
Just kidding. Thanks, I feel supported!
Smoking cessation is a real pain. I’m glad you’re powering through it, mate.
Bear in mind that any aids you use nicotine patches, bupropion, etc. may take a few weeks for it to actually help.
You just gotta tank it and spank it.
Good luck!
I have been off the cig for close to 7 years now
Before that I had a really hard time giving it up, so I can relate
My own story though is one of mystery and wonder
Wanted to quit and went to the doctor, she said that pharmaceuticals would cost me a fee but she knew of an alternative…
She prescribed me an anti-depressant because it was also said to have the effect of removing my nicotine cravings (I am mostly a happy guy, nothing to do with depression)
For the entire winter I couldn’t touch a chair without falling asleep and I was cranky as hell, but it worked!
In fact, it worked to the extent that I could quit cold turkey without a care and I can still care less if I see anyone else smoke
It is as if I never smoked, and I did smoke a lot of not only tobacco for over 15 years!
Now, this story probably doesn’t help you, I do want to encourage you though
You’re better off without it, but I get the sense that you know
I wish you good luck in your efforts!
Thanks! I should be on the anti-depressants anyway. I’ve had bouts of depression my whole life, and my extended illness over the spring really threw me into a tailspin - I’ve been up and down for the past few months. A lot of that has to do with pain. I have an trapped ulnar nerve in my right wrist, and when it flares up I lose serotonin and sleep. So yeah, getting the Welbutrin would be a good thing, and definitely help me finish quitting. I have 3-5 cigarettes a week right now. Which is probably no big deal, but 0 would still be better.
BTW this topic reminds me of Stephan King story Quitters Inc. with James Wood
Just skip to 8:18 for best scene.
That’s best company to help you quit smoking for sure!
First of all, I am medical faculty student in Turkey.
Based on my experience in my job, I said that you have given yourself so good favor.
Do you know that the cigarette is the most major factor for every cancer type?
By you have left away from smoking, you decrease the risk of being cancer.
By the way this is not only benefit of quitting.
I hope you won’t start smoking anymore.
Thanks! It’s still tough, and I am still not able to give up my one in the morning. Hoping to soon, though.
Not with this attitude…
Don´t see it as “giving something up”. That´s bullshit. If you stop smoking, you are freeing yourself from a stupid habit. With the “I gave up” smoking mindset, you´ll probably end up thinking that you´ll miss smoking. Right, as if you wanna stop because it´s just too awesome.
If I can do it, so can you.
Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking (ze book) actually helped me a lot, maybe give it a try, the paperback edition should be wicked cheap, since it has been sold a trillzillion times now. The book explains in detail, why smokers fool themselves into thinking that stopping is hard.
Just my 5 cents.
LOL, you are correct sir. Can I just hire you to follow me around and slap me whenever I want to light up? I can totally pay you in…
I dunno. Sunlight and puppy kisses are the only thing I have an abundance of.
I like bananas.
how many nanners we talkin?
Feel you man.
The urges might last for couple years even, but it should become easier to withstand after couple months.
How is it going though? I’m sure you are enjoying your clean lungs and all the free time!
Now that is hot as hell - well it is here in this wicked peninsula - i’m even happier to have quit smoking years ago. It really sucks when smoking makes your mouth dry in the summer. If you think about it you are sucking a flame in july.
Really glad I stumbled on this post. A little late to the party, but good for you for dropping the habit. That’s one nasty beast to beat, foreal. Keep it up!
Grats for dropping it. I know a few people that can’t stop it due to addiction already, I guess. Always advised them to try an alternative that could actually replace it such as Chewing Bubblegum, I guess it is really not that easy.
Tried smoking on my 1st year in High School, then quit right after a year after meeting my future wife.
I take it in 2 months starter has nothing to boast about, or I am wrong?
I may try to explain what I did and why but it is related to pharma, so not a good recipe for everyone, pharma differs in different parts of the world.
There are different drugs on the market to help with smoking cessation, some of these contain nicotine itself. These have relatively strong effects and good to combat strong withdrawal but are terrible for prolonged use. When you do quit you substitute smoking with such drugs first, then since they do not support dependence see their daily dose diminishing on its own, until you don’t need them at all. It might take a week on average both to stop smoking completely and using any substitutes too.
After that it does not end however, you are left with pockets of free time and ever increasing anxiety that you do not know anymore how to combat, with periodically returning flashbacks. And it lasts strongly for approx 2 months. This time is most dangerous for relapses, and if you do start smoking again, you will quickly return to your previous doses and find that you have neither willpower nor time to repeat all that painful quitting process again.
I’ve been trying to use a drug called Tabex, also known as cytisine, plant alkaloid and another a4b2 nicotine agonist or actually agonist-antagonist. With higher affinity but lower intrinsic activity - it causes dopamine release similarly to nicotine but at much lower intensity, so it cancels most withdrawal symptoms while not supporting addiction. It also acts as antagonist in the presence of nicotine - not letting it to its binding sites, thus smoking on it is not pleasant. That effect is described as “reduces the urge to smoke” and I was long skeptical about descriptions like that, like, ahahah - haw can THAT help me? And they charge money for this?
Cytisine as smoking cessation aid is mostly known in Eastern Europe, so if you live far enough from there, chances are your local pharmacists haven’t even heard of it. But then they should know about any similar drugs available locally.
Cytisine is very convenient for prolonged use because its effects are very mild. It also has detailed instruction that prescribes to take it as long as two months. From what I wrote here above it should be clear why is that so long. I never did that actually myself after quitting and took it only ocassionally after one week period to combat anxiety whenever feels necessary. Whats important is that having anything like that in your table at least for the first two months would improve your chances of success several fold.
Last thing I did with it is attempted to take it together with alcohol. People wrote in this thread already how alcohol lowers your inhibitions and can make you start smoking again if you have friends smoking there at the time. That had been my main reason of starting over again several times now. A HUGE problem. Guess what, when you take a drug like that together with alcohol it does as advertised, making you not want to smoke. And if you don’t want to, you won’t, inhibitions or not. Bingo.
Pharmacologists have modeled another molecule after cytisine and dubbed it varenicline. link Trademark “Champix”. I have no personal experience with that one, it should be essentially same thing, only better.
I quit a while ago, I don’t know but I feel better.
I quit by using vaporizers. Quit over 4 years now. I breath better. But it takes the body over 10 YEARS to repair the damage to the lungs.
Quit 52 days ago, but I still consume weed and spliffs; it may be cheating, but I don’t really care for cigarettes anymore, so I guess that’s something.