Okay, I just need some basic quick info. I’ve built my full summoner up high enough to get myself over to the reaper that creates skeletons only to find that I don’t use any of the skills that trigger it. Just blew all of my crystal changing it to the skill that creates wolves I think only to find it can only be triggered by the same set of skills.
I now have to go farm crystal to change it again.
What can a full summoner use? I don’t use a single trigger skill that is offered.
I have put all of my points (27) into Primordial, Chaos and Order. I’ve seen the Mogdrogan one popular, but it uses all of my points in the two categories I don’t have any in yet…
Why don’t you put just one point in skills like Sigil, Vines or Wind Devils to trigger pet devotions?
The reaper devotion is imo useless for pet builds because you will most likely never kill a single mob with your attacks.
There are also component skills which can trigger devotions, I guess obnoxious poison bomb could be usefull.
My current understanding is that I have to kill something with said skill to trigger the experience gain. My mob kills everything before I can kill anything.
Exactly! Therefore no “Raise the death” from the Reaper devotions for pet builds as I already wrote. Raise the death may be useful in some builds which have several auras to buff them while you kill the mobs to spawn them. I play a Warder with this skill and I’m still not sure if they are any good.
The other devotion you mentioned is it Bysmiel’s Bonds? Afaik this one has 33% on attack chance to spawn the pet which you can do with most skills. All the other devotions for pets have such a proc chance therefore you put some (=1) point in some long lasting skills like vines, sigil, wind devil and so on. You use them only for proccing your pet devotians that’s there only purpose.
So these skills don’t require a kill? They just require damage or a successful attack or what? I guess that’s the part I’m not sure about. What do those skills need to trigger and gain experience?
A successful hit is all you need to trigger them *. Well, you have to deal damage too, you can’t proc them with curse or flashbang.
Devotion skills gain experience when they are bound to any skill you have learned or got from an item or a component. (It doesn’t matter if you activate them or not)
For example: You bind Bysmiel’s bond to sigil. You place your sigil and with every enemy you hit there is a 33% chance to spawn your Stormhound (or what ever it’s called).
In contrast to Raise the Dead where you have 100% chance to spawn a skeleton when you kill an enemy with the attack you bound Raise the Dead to.
You can check all the skills that can trigger that devotion just by clicking on the star in the constellation before you even spend any devotion points on it.