[Solved] [Not a bug] Crit multipliers shown being inconsistent

I have +71% crit, with +40% crit from skill modifier and +22% crit from gear.

So the lowest crit multiplier shown should be at least x2.43.

However, sometime x1.81 is shown.

Not sure if I get the formula wrong, the number shown being incorrect, or the damage deal being incorrect.

Thank you.

looks like that tick is from dot dmg(not aegis), so might just use base crit, which would then fit (minimum pth crit 1.1+71 = 1.81)

That does make sense, as the numbers with x1.81 are generally smaller. So it is not a bug. Thanks.

Then Zantai logs in, has a look and says “Actually - it is!” :upside_down_face:

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i’m fine with anything to get an aegis of menhir buff at this point :sweat_smile: :+1:

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should be super easy to confirm
take off whatever is causing those dots/procs there on dummies, so it’s just pure aegis and it’s native frostburn/electrocute (native aegis dot should scale with full crit booster lineup)
once you have a clean attack, you can see if you get the same low multipliers
or vice versa, don’t use aegis to attack, make sure whatever proc thingy is going on is enabled/avail for what other attack you use to test, see if you get the same low 6k’ish 1.81 crit dots

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