Some feedback for whatever it's worth

I’d like to start off by saying that I really like this game and just want to give my two cents on improvements and/or things I’d like to see.


  1. It would be great if we were given some information on how long it takes to make each manufactured good and when it might be done being manufactured.
  2. I’d like to have some information on where resources / manufactured goods are/were used. i.e., tools just seem to disappear, it’d be nice to see the state of each laborer’s gear.
  3. Information on weapons and how much benefit you might get from equipping them.
  4. A quick and easy way to see where your manufacturing buildings are on the map. When the city gets big, it can be a chore to find what you’re looking for.
  5. Raiders are largely invisible as they approach your city, it’d be nice if they were highlighted in some way so you know how much time you have.
  6. I think the forager hut having a gathering circle is tedious and shouldn’t be included. Foragers should just forage.
  7. Also, when upgrading the foragers hut, they should still be able to forage, gardening is not a full time job.
  8. Traders from the Traders Post don’t seem to stop auto-stocking items after auto-stock is turned off.
  9. Also, Traders will stock iron ore, gold ore, etc. directly from the mines instead of waiting for the wagon to pick up a larger shipment and dropping it off in the storehouse. This causes the trader to take forever to grab 2 ore while not getting the items you want them to stock first.
  10. When manufacturing buildings stop manufacturing due to reaching a quota, there should be a way to return the raw materials and any manufactured items to the appropriate place.
  11. I don’t believe that the resources menu vs the resources listed on the top right is accurate (maybe I’m wrong).
  12. It’s unclear how the flattening tool works, i.e. do you span the lower level and upper levels so the tool knows how far to dig or do you just mark the layer you want lowered?
  13. When roads are built parallel to and on a slope, they should be squared off in relation to the slope so the road is flat to the ground.
  14. The tier 2 sawmill is not complete, I assume that’s in the works but just in case.

Things I think would be cool:

  1. The aesthetic of the game should be consistent with only one particular time period. Most of the game seems medieval 1400s - 1500s but some characters and monuments have tricorn hats and frock coats (1700s). Since the weapons are pre-gunpowder era, I’d like to see the game stick with the medieval time period.
  2. The art in the game is a real plus, it’d be cool if there was an artist’s building you could create where you could choose different skins to put on any house / building and customize your city.
  3. In line with that, more variety within different tiers for the same building would be nice. i.e. If I build three tier 2 pubs, it’d be nice if they looked different from each other.
  4. It’d be cool if after building the stable, you could send traders to other settlements and get what you need instead of waiting.

Again, I appreciate all of the hard work that is going into this game and how good it already is, just giving some feedback.

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I like #4, much better than asking for the next trader at triple the cost, but may take longer.