Some help with a conjurer (non pet)

Hey guys,

so I’ve been thinking about a build that stacks a lot of attack damage converted to health and life steal. This is the build;

As you can see, lots of AoE and lots of ADCtH. My elemental resists are low and I am wondering if this will prove to be an issue? On paper I think the build looks very strong but I am not always the best judge of these things. If anyone can see any errors or how I can make this build even more effective then I am all ears. Also, I am not trying to make the super top tier build. Just something that is a lot of fun, causes a lot of havoc and will comfortably do game content.

I’m a bit lazy so here

You can facetank gladiator crucible up to wave 100 with it, but the kiting game is strong too

Appreciate the lazy reply, mate. Yeah, your vitality guy was something of an inspiration for this build but I was interested to see how many sigils of consumption I could get to spawn at once (4-5 in testing.) Like you I am interested in finding new builds that are reasonably unique that are fun to play. This build clears trash and star marked mobs really really easily. Alky almost killed me but I took him down. He mostly almost killed me because my cold resist was so low.

It seems like an awful waste to not put at least one point into destruction.

For Alkamos you need stun resistance as well, he stuns really long

This build can heal around 3k HP per second so as long as you are not taking in more damage than that you are fine.

4 sigils are top unless you are running high CDR, mind the energy though, add up absorption and energy leech

The sigils come from my rings and my pants, so as far as I know they don’t cost anything when they proc. The only sigil I cast is the main one. Do some enemies have energy leech? Sigils are top? I’m not sure what that means?

I just got murdered by fabius three times in a row. Finally managed to kill him but boy, he is not an easy fight at all.

Yes some enemies have energy leech, Archivist Thelon in Valbury for example

High level sigil costs a lot of mana (130+ per cast) so it puts a big strain on your energy.

Fabius is never easy, mainly because he has a blade barrier. If you hit him during his barrier then he reflects all the damage back to you, and once you cast sigil you cannot cancel it :frowning:

But being able to kill him is already an achievement, many builds cannot even hurt him due to his regen

Thank you for the kind words. I’m not actually having any energy issues at all. I mean I throw curse of frailty on a group of enemies, a bunch of sigils proc and then occasionally during the fight I just recast my sigil skill and occasionally use my devouring swarm to reduce resists and regain health. I am mostly attacking with my blade and against hero enemies that are not purple the fight usually lasts under a minute.

It took me five minutes to kill alky and I haven’t progressed onto anything stronger than fabius. I’ve not fought the other nemeses before so are they harder than fabius? Also when fabius goes into blade barrier does he get healed? Are the nemeses ever encountered in the sealed areas? Will experiment with dark star of deceit to see if the resist reduction on it is good for the build.

My thought was to keep the sigil somewhat weaker so that when it procs during fights with enemies that have weaker enemies around them then it won’t kill the weaker enemies as fast allowing me to regain health for longer while I deal with the main big bad. It doesn’t work like that at all. The weaker enemies just kind of explode into bits, especially when the sigils all stack on top of each other and become almost too bright to look at :smiley: So I am experimenting with destruction now.

I also made a few devotion changes since I’ve never tried the dying god constellation. With all the ADCtH and the life steal I haven’t really needed those burst heals if I pay attention to what is going on though that is sometimes hard to do when the things happening on screen are so bright it is hard to see. Also there are so many procs on this character that everything just keeps chaining together. A single cast of curse of frailty will keep my procs going without need to recast until everything is dead except major bosses.

Still, you have at least +3 occultist and some items with +chaos dmg. I think that one point would serve you quite well.

You do realize that all those points in Solael’s Witchfire only affects your dagger weapon attacks? The vitality damage bonuses from it only applies to the viltality damages in Second Rite. If you don’t use your weapon attack all the time, you could use a couple points there into Destruction and bump up Blood Pact to increase percent attack damage converted to health.

Thank you yes, I was aware of that. I use my weapon all the time. Because the spells have such a long duration time I only have to cast them a few times to keep my health up while I rapidly attack with my fang. Also the ADCtH only happens when I use the blade as far as I understand.

Spamming Devouring Swarm is much more efficient at recovering HP than your attack

Could you explain in what way? So a caster conjurer might be a stronger build than a melee conjurer? Hmm, will have a play around with the build and see what I come up with.

You can check out the Conjurer I posted, maybe it helps.

First Devouring Swarm has 0 cooldown and hit AOE. Your conjurer attack cannot hit AOE anyway. Then stacking cast speed is much easier than attack speed as conjurer, since many daggers give cast speed by default. Finally, you don’t have to run to enemies faces to cast Devouring Swarm.

Swarm ticks per second, it doesn’t matter how much cast speed you stack. Cast speed will only help to spread i faster on mobs where it stays and ticks on all of them with both bleed and vitality damage, healng you back from all of them. That is the true power. But as far as damage goe, spamming it on a single target is useless.

Does it not apply its first tick right when you hit an enemy? If it does, spamming DS with high cast speed could increase its damage and healing. Would likely be quite energy devouring, but still…

Your conjurer is really nice. Have you considered using the black star of deceit to further lower resistances and have another proc? Also I’ve seen a lot of people say that doom bolt is not a good skills. Is it only there to proc devotion?

I tried restructuring the build as more of a caster and less as melee and it does not have the same survivability. I wasn’t really relying on devouring swarm, just using it to lower resists. When dying god procs the attack speed is very fast and gives me massive life gain. Still experimenting with it though. Considering changing one of my rings for the coil.

Doom Bolt is at the core of the build if you look closely:p It does massive damage if played right.

There is no need for black star You can take manticore (flat resest reduction doesn’t stack). I didn’t use manticore in crucible to get DA from solemn watcher but in main campaign you can use it and get great damage from Doom Bolt and all your procs. And the build also heals like crazy;)

The Medal i’m using is extremely good in crucible and in general for occult mages. Besides bonuses, the proc on it has 50% fumble and impaired aim. VERY good vs bosses.