SotWG: Whelp, that didn't last long...

Not that I don’t appreciate what crate has done so far, but the dungeon seems pretty underwhelming. I’ve done it only once and it might be more on later difficulties, but comparing it to my first time in SoT, it was pretty easy. And I was playing on the DIAL mod with my first char so I imagine on a normal play through this would be easier. Difficulty wise it was like 20% of SoT on my first coming to SoT. And with DIAL most of all other non dungeon places seem a lot more dangerous than the new dungeon.
It used the SoT tile set with a bit more colored lightning. Almost all of the enemies are animal-like - simple to deal with and they are just recolored versions of old ones. Eldritch dimension was just teased. I thought that this would go further to a second “floor” in the green/blue/red dimension where the real “new” enemies would be residing.
I did not have high expectations for this, but I thought it would be more like a real dungeon. Currently it’s like a 40% of SoT in length with a wimp of a final boss.
Is there something more to it on Elite and Ultimate?

No it’s the same on elite/ultimate. I agree it was a little short, but hey it was still fun.

Of course the boss is a whimp on normal or vet, who isn’t? :rolleyes: The Sentinel and the hidden Mad Queen are some of the tougher bosses on ultimate for sure. Elite the queen can be hard depending on build/gear I think, probably not the sentinel

I didn’t remember the name of the final boss. So there are two more bosses on later difficulties? Hmm, well in that case it isn’t half as bad. :slight_smile:

Didn’t I just say it’sa the same on elite/ultimate xD

The sentinel is the dungeon boss after the 3 guardians. The Mad Queen is a hidden boss who you probably overlooked if you didn’t follow a guide

On Ultimate, the queen and sentinel are pretty challenging, and I’ve heard that the difficulty is quite a jump from elite.

I still have trouble with the Mad Queen. I’m lacking life leech resist bad >.<

I’ve downed both of them yesterday but on elite. The Mad queen hit me in melee once and it took 60% of my health, but with a bit of circling around the cave it was doable. I am guessing if you manage to not get hit in melee on ultimate it will be like on elite.
Although I am playing from a range and it is easier to shoot her from a screen away and even further. And with the poison and acid damage I was doing she didn’t seem to be able to regenerate or life leach from me enough.
Fighting 2 Alkamos at the same time is way harder though. Or 4 of that Commander Lucius at Fort Ikon.

cant wait to try it out myself