Squished SR waypoints are off by one

If I conquered the 16th shard, why is the waypoint the 16th shard? It should be the 17th. If you clear the riftgate of Fort Ikon, you don’t wake up in Homestead next session.

Edit for personal closure:

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this was always the case
if you conquered the 40th shard, the way stone would grant access to the 40th shard, not 41, likewise for every 5th interval, if you cleared 44 you didnt’ gain entry to 45
you don’t get entry to the “next” shard, you didnt’ clear that shard,
yes you reached the door ahead of you but you didn’t clear the room ahead of you so can’t start in that room


That is how it works, this is why I put it in discussion and not bug report. I don’t like it. It doesn’t make sense. I don’t want to have to play a shard I already cleared while I grind the waystones slowly. Did you read my parallel about riftgates?


You can just continue? You don’t have to stop every time to get access, right? :thinking:
If you quit and get your reward, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to have to redo that one shard.

What does it do except giving you the sentiment that it is not saving your progression?

it is saving your progress, it’s just only saving cleared progress
it’s rewarding you for stuff you did not stuff you didn’t do yet
boos room = final chunk, shard isn’t complete until final chunk, you’re unlocking shards not chunks


no idea why anyone would object to this but either way: if your goal was sr 30 and you ran it all in one go you’d run 30 shards total, simple. if instead you did it piecemeal waypoint by waypoint you’d run 45 shards total because you’d repeat every waypoint. i mean i don’t really care either way but what’s the harm if the later would also only need to run 30 shards?

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sry, i don’t know what you mean/not quite getting what you’re trying to get across?

suppose more mixed up by intermingling 30 and 45? - legit unsure what that has to do with anything either

either way, you might be off, the way i’m reading it?
if you run 30 shards you’d run 30 shards “to shard 30”, - finish at 30 boss room
if you use a waystone you run 30/start at 30 “same deal” - shard still ends at 30 boss room
-you then have to do an extra shard to normalize loot from using the waystone (this has nothing to do with the progress saving/where we enter or what we cleared and would still be mandatory regardless what arbitrary number was set for the entry) - but in either case the shard done/cleared boss room is 30

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if you only do short sessions you run shard 0,1,2 to get the first waypoint. next session you run shards 2,3,4 to get the second waypoint. 4,5,6 the next session and so on. i did it that way when the waypoint were 5 shards apart. that way you repeat the waypoints. makes sense?

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It’s been this way for years and suddenly became a problem after SR has already been compressed by 2.5 times?

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no, because i’m not sure if you’re agreeing with OP that we’re somehow being stiffed?

i’m saying it was as it always were/system didn’t change, and the system isn’t “wrong”/“system makes sense”/what givepix just said :sweat_smile:

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it’s an observation, jeez.


so far the argument against @KoalaeiO is “it’s always been this way” and that’s just a nothing-burger.

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exactly, making an issue out of something that is a non issue, why make it an issue
not so much “because” the system always was this way, but because it always was a non-issue :sweat_smile:
the waystones are there for farming consideration, the checkpoint trigger is only handled with clearing the boss room completion screen. there is nothing nefarious or egregious/player punishing about this/there is no “Need” to change it
could it be changed, sure, anything could, but why even remotely begin to bother with a nothing-burger?/“why are we trying to make an issue of this?”

It does make sense tho. And also I like it. :upside_down_face:

Because 1 extra shard is just 20 % when beating 5 shards, but becomes 50 % when you’re beating 2.


Thank you, you described perfectly what was happening. I’m doing the SR grind in “small bites” so those superfluous shards add up indeed.

you’re still doing 3 shards less than before… “you’re still doing 50% less”


It’s similar to unlocking rift gates. If you don’t actually reach the gate it’s not unlocked and you’ll have to run all the way there (and kill all the things) again.
Same with the shard, if you didn’t actually reach the shard it’s not unlocked and you have to fight your way to it again.

Not that I care too much.

SR shard progression - taking a dump on gamer dads being able to clear only one checkpoint per session since 2019.

This is why the season unlocks the next shard, instead of the one you cleared.

Both setups make sense, but the vanilla setup has always felt especially tedious and punishing towards doing anything but a full lvl 1-75 (now 1-30) push.

Also imagine crashing mid 5hour push lol…


that one has always been weird, like why didn’t/doesnt’ the game save prior cleared checkpoints but only the “latest” when done in a row?
Seen the crash complaint raised so many times, and experienced it once or twice myself, and it’s always baffled me how you could lose more than 5shards progress/last 5th interval boss room clear
*i even confirmed myself “crashing” manually that only the boss room clear was necessary to store checkpoint, Mazaan interaction or loading to reward room/next shard wasn’t actually required