SR bug: Nemesis icon appearing at last second

Nemesis icons in SR sometimes only appear on the map once the Nemesis is almost on the screen or even just straight up aggroed onto you, making it impossible to plan a safe route at times. Most of the time I would have chalked this up to my inattention when an Iron Maiden Blitzes me out of nowhere, but having just done a run where I’ve specifically eyed the map as much as possible, that’s not the case. I’ve just had Grava’s nemesis icon only appear on the map when his wings were almost poking from under my healthbar.


Something like that?

1:10 - no Kaisan on the map
1:12 - there you are :laughing: patch.


I’m starting to get the feeling that the bug might be location-related. I’ve done a number of runs in the last few days where I got that Tomb of Archon Barthollem SR map, and the exact location you’re showing in the video had a nemesis and the icon always appeared at the last second. Meanwhile, in pretty much all of those instances, I’ve had a Nemesis at the crossroads sections of that map and they were visible essentially right from the player spawn point.

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It may be the truth. The question is - is it fixable?

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I mean, there has to be something about those specific locations that causes this (if it is in fact caused by location and not just random). Cause it never happens to me in campaign but happens quite a lot on a wide variety of SR maps. If they can make it work reliably in MC then SR shouldn’t be all that different.

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