SSF Lightning Elementalist - a simply diary -

Looks decent, hopefully one gets good OA so one can use those nice crits :wink:

Short Update. After farming some totems in ultimate and still not finished the whole campaign.
I quit the Idea with the wind devil build. I tried a lot of different devotions and skill setups.
It sucks without good gear. I’ve had this before with a storm totem vindicator xxx patches back. Without good gear you can not tank and the damage is to low to burst. The Vindicator at least back in the days got realy good with enough +skills and inquisitor seal.

I had already suspected something like that. So no problem. I farmed the Temple of Ateph and the Guardians until I got a great MI Weapon. And respeced into Primal Strike build -> not optimized. BUT easy to gear. And yes - the weapon is selffound XD -

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Nice, I have a few of those weapons too with those affix but not highest level tiers :confused:

Yes vidicator can just stand on seal and tank, and with MI shaman belt just let storm box proc bat like crazy to heal.

btw you can use revenant devo proc for flat RR and then get rid of all purple stuff in devotion tree.

I know about the revenant proc, but the elemantal storm proc by it self is super strong, isn it?

It has sligthly higher flat rr thats it rest is crap. Thing is you can then leave purple and get spear of heavens which is insane

you weren’t able to farm the items needed to keep the totem build or you just gave up? :frowning:

He wrote that ge gave up when he could not tank more

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With the Winddevil/Stormtotem Build I could not tank the Totem Groups in the Forgotten Gods.
Farming the Totems over and over again is IMO the best/fastest way to gear up without sets. You can farm them so fast and easy.
If you need to chicken run in circles for 2minutes its not good anymore :smiley:

So its more efficient to respec.
Sure, If you love the wind devils and the Totems you could still farm in the campaign or on easier Totems in the World. (I farmed the forgotten god and ugdenbog forest Totems, so some hard ones)

Dummy dps with storm totem build was arround 250 000 to 280 000 dps. When everything is up. Not much burst. Not much healing etc…
with the primal strike build and with the Faction gear + Mi I can go up to 400 000 - 500 000 dps on the dummy. That`s a huge different.

I have faction gear. IMO The Gear upgrade for winddevil/storm totem would be full Cyclone / Light defender build. So its a Long way to the big upgrades. The Gear upgrade for the Primal striker are craftable/farmable MIs and some random Legendary can give me good upgrades.

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Thing is with totem and such you deal damage when kiting. Otherwise you are doing some wrong

Elite SR is faster i think for farming

Stun jacks and storm box are more interesting in terms of upgrades. There you can totem farm storm rend and some insane MIs for electrocute on box and jacks.

Totems are devils are more limited. Yes you can get more summon on totem with off hand and janaxia dagger but need good cdr to make use.

I have an interesting jacks build that uses no set whatsoever btw.

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Short update:

I farmed Totems and ugdenblooms. -> Got the Ultos helm recipe. -> Got already enough ancients hearts -> crafted 5 helms -> and transmuted 4 of them into other ultos pieces. -> the result:

Next step:

  • MI belt from port valbury
  • get all skill points from quest
  • min/max devotion and skills
  • farm all farm able set items (shattered realm, vanquisher, krieg, dark one, the new one from the tomb :D)
  • make a new char :smiley:
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Can someone help?

I want to facetank lokkar but I cant :smiley: I try to farm his set. I did 5 runs today and only could kill him once. The other times i ragequit after dying some times. Can he shotgun? Do you NEED to kite him? The mix of forcewave+the fire winddevil kills me to quick I think.

kite when Blast Shield is on cooldown

You was right. Kite when blast shield down is op - Now every run to lokkar is a kill.
btw. I changed some devotion again. Feel more tanky now:

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consider getting some more OA, given you have insane crit damage due to storm caller pact, getting high chance to crit will make your damage go up like a rocket. The more damage you deal, the more you heal :wink:

Perhaps ditch points in maelstrom for Flashbang for DA removal on monster (= you get more OA)

Seal of annihilation in amulet

Concentrated wrapping in gloves for attack speed

Devotions: remove eel and last point in ghoul and get 4 first node in dying god

I also changed augment in shoulder to vigil try this

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Wow! Thank you.

The Tower constelation can pay for it self so you can spec out of the eel. Smart move :smiley:

feel free to skip flashbang if you think too many buttons, or wendigo totem. Flashbang is a really good offensive and defensive skill against bosses