Starting screen and audio options

Hello everyone !

First of all, thank you for this wonderful game, I’m having so much fun with it. Love the art and the music !

I’d like to note 2 things though :

  • On the starting screen, the game’s version is a bit hidden/cropped with the UI :

  • Audio settings : Effects and UI sliders don’t seem to change anything. I’ve muted both of them, but whenever I click on a building (Town Center for instance), I still have the building’s sound. Moreover, buildings sounds are pretty high, which forces me to reduce the master volume, at the cost of lowering also the music.

Cheers !

Can confirm building sounds are not affected by Effects or UI. Pretty loud as well.
However Effects do affect working sound etc.

Building UI sounds not being on the UI channel is fixed in the upcoming hotfix.

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Cool ! Thank you for the info.

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