Stash Space Suggestions

lol if that was the case they could just name any tool the “Official GD Add-on for Stashes” and be done with it. Kinda like how they dubbed the GD wiki at Gamepedia the “Official” wiki even tho they really don’t have much to do with it (unless they are actively updating it).

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No, I would not use GDIA. What I would like to see is an character explorer, which enables you to manage items between characters directly.

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Not likely to happen as Zantai pointed out in a dev stream back in September 2018

"IMayBackstab: @CrateEntertainment any plans to assimilate some of these inventory/stash mods for a 5 or 10 dollar fee? Your players would be happy to spend that while also not splintering the player base as much with mods

Zantai: I mean the people who have created these utilities for you guys have done them from their own free will for free and us basically taking that and charging money for it seems very unfair to them. And from our development perspective we have design decisions for why the bags are limited as they are. It is not just arbitrarily limited to screw you guys over, there are genuine reasons why that isn’t the case. But for those of you who want more stash space, that is why we allow modding and that is why you can use those utilities so you can have as much space as you want and because they work outside of the game they don’t splinter the player base. You can’t only play with people who use GDStash or GDIA, like you can play with everybody."

Which also seems to confirm my point about a paid DLC making it more difficult to play with others who don’t have that add on.

I don’t even know what is it lol.

And for eisprinzessin I do exactly what you are doing because it is the only way and yes I switch characters too but I’m at the beginning 600+hours and it is getting a bit boring so how long will I keep like this I questioned myself so created this topic. And you can be sure, I don’t definitely want infinite stash. I don’t definitely want any add-on or out-game tool either.

Come to think of it, I have a question; how many characters most of you have right now? Over 100+? Maybe 300+? Right even maybe more. Is the game getting heavier or slower per new character? Is there a negative affect on performance?

I never have more than a 1-3 characters at any one time. And that’s with some 14,000 hours of game time. I always delete old characters and start anew. I’ve probably created thousands by now. Some people do keep a “stable” of toons. I think the most I’ve seen was @Dikkiedik with like 80+ characters.

I don’t know that it would affect performance overall - not that I’ve heard anyway.

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I personally use GD stash because I sometimes wanna test some mechanics and stuff and dont wanna bother with more than 1 tool/mod

I have around 30 chars no change in performance

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So you delete them and let them vanish? Or you get the copy of them from database and keep it somewhere else? I just deleted one for now, because it was buggy somehow, while playing with that character performance were significantly low in even the coolest area with less monsters etc. It was lightning warder, then I change the build to avenger’s set, still kept clogging. Then I took the items and deleted my first 100 level character but I don’t think I do that often. If I like the character, I push and develop it and definitely keep it.

I have 55 atm, but that includes several that are being played in the Grimarillion mod. I have others that I started, but haven’t continued with backed up on a USB key. Whether I’ll get around to playing them again only the gods of Cairn know. Maybe, maybe not. I keep coming up with new build ideas all the time so never get very far into the game with most of my characters.

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Yup. Delete them permanently. I don’t really back them up. I often delete all my blueprint/stash files as well.

I’m more of a rogue-like type player where if I die I just restart completely. Or if I simply get bored with a character or have a different idea for a character to try I’ll just wipe the slate clean and start fresh. I don’t get emotionally attached to my characters no matter how many hours I might have spent on one.

They mean little to me in that aspect. For me it’s more about just playing and going for the ride. Been like that since I was a kid playing Dragon Warrior on the NES. I’d consistently get to near the end of the game and if something about the playthru didn’t sit right with me I’d delete and start completely over.

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I see, interesting point of view but nice. I liked your enthusiasm :slight_smile: Everyday I get new build ideas that I might like playing, so I theorycraft them and keep their links, so when I find an item that suits for those builds I like to keep it. To seeing item affixes inspires me to play more and create something different so that’s why I like more stash tab. Not infinite. Extra few will do. Because (I’m sure eventually I’ll memorize all items there is with affixes but it will take a very long time and not every course will be passed in home due to quarantine. I can forget them easily aswell ) when I sell or dismantle them with the thought that I could get another one it’s easy! I know that I am not lucky. Some of you know exactly how unlucky I’am :smiley: But if it’s not going to happen, I’ll just keep playing same as before. But perhaps the end of the world is near and devs can fulfill the player’s wishes for the sake of tendance :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve been playing GD for seven years and have 125 chars. But many were created during Early Access, when the higher difficulties were not available and only a few reached max level. Current I play with 15 chars, plus one dedicated MP char. Everything else has been archived.

I noticed longer loading times on the main screen, if you have dozens (more like 50+) of characters. Probably not an issue, if you have an SSD.


And if you use cloud saves you’re limited to 50 anyway. I use local saves though, always have.


Was it ever suggested to replace smuggler with crates? :joy:
Many, many crates. At least 10, i think.

I heard they are voracious. Many cannot even handle a single one.

Well, I’m forever grateful for D2’s PlugY mod authors, especially for “4,294,967,296 personal pages” in the storage, with arrows on the sides and page number searchbox.

Do it, Crate! :wink:

Item Assistant is still better though and you doesn’t seem to have issues with external tools like OP.
Well maybe worse in one aspect - immersion.

and I am grateful for GoMule :slight_smile: does not add any other cheat, just extra stash space with search function (something plugy does not have)

i like to hoard every item possible, even though i will not use them later on, i prefer to have them accessible. i use gdstash to collect items, have not played for a while so i am not sure if my progress is still there or not. this is why i would prefer if this feature was in game itself. i would not have to hesitate about whether my progress is lost or not. before gdstash i used characters to store items ( like shields and offhands - ranged - melee -helmet etc ) but was not worth and many duplicates etc.

my suggestion to this,
i think there should be a new npc ( mix of blacksmith and inventor ) . in this new npc when you destroy any item, that item becomes craftable again. similar to recipes but more advanced ( item wise ) and not limited to certain items. also adding items to this new npc could be partial ( first 0 - 50 second 50 - 65 third 65 to max level items )
this new npc could be unpicked npc from ‘’ tale of two blachsmiths ‘’ . for example if you picked duncan he will be the main blacksmith in devil’s crossing and angrim will be the new npc, in which you can destroy and craft any item you want.

@Zantai i would like to hear you opinion about this. idk how this programming / designing thing works. to my thinking, the way i expalined could be imported to game because it will not be limited by stash size, also we have crafting feature working perfectly, it will be just broadening the crafting items.

what you guys think about this? i think having access to craft any item you want while playing the game without using any outside program would be useful.

Whew, if you had tagged me a third time, I might have accidentally appeared in your living room…

The topic has been beaten to death and we’re not going to repeat ourselves. There are legitimate design reasons why the stash is the size it is and we allow mods and utilities to work so everyone can have what they want. That is the end of the story.

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why would your progress (collected items) be gone ? Your data is mo safer in game than in a tool, ie if your HD crashes or the file gets corrupted, it does not matter which of the two you used to store your items - and if neither of this happens, then your data is safe in either case…

I think the stash will not change this late