Stopped to lurk...

and here i am! :stuck_out_tongue: Seems this circus needs a clown, isn’t it? I joined for to partecipate (after long years of waiting started hmmm like 16 years ago? probably :P) the collective hysteria of the imminent alpha release :D.


Welcome to the forums, and btw I love the colours of your signature, green white and red, for Italy, yes? So, you’re from Venice? On my list of places to visit, but anyway I’m getting off track, welcome to the forums and what you described perfectly as the “collective hysteria of the imminent alpha release”. :smiley:

With all these lurkers I think we’ll have to invest in a few detectors :slight_smile:

Anyways, welcome to the forums and the short wait for Alpha.

hi and welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay here

Welcome to the forums and have a nice time.

Yes :D, there is a Venice in US but not in Mexico so by exclusion is the one in Italy :smiley: (quick note: no, it is not the US one the first U_U, just for to avoid cases like with the pizza :P).

Hi all and thx for the welcome! Now i go to take a shower i am dirty of soil, lurking to surface took a while seems :P.



If it happens to you to come in Italy give a call, we have a lot of nice places where to scream ghsghsghsghs.