[Stream][Mods] Kathanious

So I am going to attempt to embarrass myself with this new-age techno transmission at Twitch.tv

I will start with Grimarillion (because it’s my favorite so what). If my personality and style are acceptable and a demand exists, I may expo other mods as well.

Currently, I have an event planned for 8-10pm CDT April 21, 2017. I may expo one of my existing builds or start a new HC hero. Come to watch, laugh, cry, curse, and maybe catch a rip.

Save the date!

Archive the stream plz :wink: As i most likely will not be able to watch at that time and i would like to see it. :cool:

I cannot think of anything else that I would rather do. Thanks Kath

^Same situation. Please Kathanious, if it’s possible.

There are very few people who actually stream and showcase Grim’s mods. Thanks for this opportunity to see you play, Kathanious.

Good good, let the rips flow through stream :D:D
What build(s) you will play? :slight_smile:

Not sure yet. I want to show off the grimmest bosses in elite so probably something that clears trash fast to get to them.

Guess I didn’t have all the right settings checked so the stream wasn’t recorded. I am going to run it again tonight for that purpose.

Damn, i missed it, was too early in Moscow (4am, i slept like a baby, lel) :frowning:
But good to hear that you will record next streams :slight_smile:

Watching your recorded stream, mic voice is a bit low, make it louder :slight_smile: