So i’m returning to the game after a long break but played it extensively in early access. It seems that a lots changed and as a result my previous characters are now likely potato/built incorrectly due to big changes in balancing etc.
Could someone tell me what the strongest builds currently are? Links to guides would be awesome if possible. I’m looking to build a new char that can take on all modes etc.
After looking around, I’d have to say Jaja’s Saboteur build. He managed to take Ultimate Mogdrogen out solo in 10 minutes. The build in general seems to have a really good balance of DPS and survivability. Its BiS weapons you get from a faction vendor.
His 2h warder build is also a good character to start with. You’ll be farming end game in no time.
2 handed Elementalist is flat out amazing. I just finished mine (Fire Strike) and jajaja is working on one now, lightning based Primal Strike i believe.
Poison based Witch Hunter (Nightblade+Occultist) is probably one of the strongest builds in the game ATM, due to it having the highest possible resistance reduction that works on all targets. No, OFF’s godlike fire resistance reduction doesn’t count, because bosses are near 100% immune to OFF. Anyways, poison based Witch Hunters can reach 250k+ damage ticks, and I’m pretty sure a special gear focus on rares with the “Of Blight” can get even higher than that.
Vitality Conjourer is, as always, almost impossible to lose with due to how stupidly much legendary gear it has supporting it, as well as near Witch Hunter levels of penetration, although for Vitality instead of Poison, on top of massive quantities of self-healing.
Spellbreakers are very good in general, and have a lot of very viable builds. They GENERALLY are fairly gear dependent, at least to optimize, although some work on almost trash gear (My personal max CDR Shadow Strike caster build is an example of easy to gear to it’s lowest levels of “Can clear Ultimate Log” but optimizing it is a bitch, but I’ve already cleared 100% of ultimate content with it except Mogdrogen because screw that, I have a life I want to live, and not spend two weeks grinding his HP down). A weakness of them is they tend to lack much resistance reduction innately (Cold is about the only one they have, to about -45% short of some serious overlevels and gear, because again, not counting OFF the trash clear god).
Pretty sure Pyromancer is still #1 on ranged DPS, if not him a 2H ranged Primal Strike build is it, but both are close. Pretty sure it lands on Pyro for single target though, but Primal Strike has higher overall potential if optimized right with enough targets to abuse the two Piercing 2H ranged weapons, (Empowered) Will of Fate and Vortex of Souls.
Someone have a good witch hunter poison build to share ? I’m cuious, i think the stuff is the same base as the BM with some poison oriented stuff (legs / gloves / …)
I’m leveling a Commando as Jajaja described on his topics, i’m 35 and it’s incredible for now; I have all the BiS stuff for later game will make a feedback after my leveling process
Just out of curiosity, why still tier 2? I think the fact that it can take mogdrogan plus similar dps and survival in general with blademasters puts it in same tier as blademaster if not higher. Shar’zul kill is slower because shar’zul has a lot more fire res but even then the difference is negligeable.
Since Ultimate is a joke when you are well geared, i give more importance to dps&mobility than toughness
Any build with demolitionist can solo mogdrogen, for sure the 10 mins jajaja’s timer is impressive, probably the solo fastest for, but the dps output is still lower than Tier1 i listed, defensively speaking its probably Tier1 coz demo is OP in that department.
Anyway the meta is going to change with The Crucible and demo character are going to take a lot of Tier1 rank (if its not nerfed) at least in Solo. :>
Arcanist and soldier were nerfed, crit was overnerfed. Occultist and demo were buffed. Resistance reduction is commonly used as a damage multiplier instead of crit even though it was also nerfed repeatedly. Max resistance of “immune” monsters was brought down from 500% to 100%, which made bleed and poison builds possible. DOTs can also crit now, further improving these two.
Many successful builds are using two things now - gear and devotion procs and stacking resistance reduction. Most gear procs come from specific legendaries or epics, just look at deathmarked set weapons or many bleed or poison related items. DOT builds are also using the same strategy - stacking as many bleed or poison procs as possible, and as much resistance reduction as possible.
Firestrike and savagery are probably the strongest spam attacks now. You can down Fabius with firestrike with any weapon even sword and board. If you combine it with nightblade DW, you get saboteur already mentioned. Pyromancer with ranged weapons.
Some builds are also using skills like shadow strike or blade arc / clean sweep for their massive weapon damage. To either amplify direct damage like spellbreakers, or bleed or poison DOTs like witch hunters or witchblades etc.
It’s a bit offtopic, but how are DEE-builds nowadays? I have multiple pieces of Dreeg-set in my stash and some other nice items that would nicely support the build, but I’m struggling with decent devotion setup and so on. Not really expecting to destroy BoC in few minutes, but just something that is fun to play. Kinda bored atm with all the awesome melee builds, since I already have a tanky Markovian Witch Blade, Blademaster, Spellbreaker, Saboteur, poison Witch Hunter and Warder leveled and geared.
DEE is pretty decent. I actual found my dee warlock to not be strong enough so I made a melee man mode DEE spamming witch hunter. With a small bit of luck I can facetank sharzul 100-0 and kill him in like 15-20 second area. I can post devotion setup later if you’re interested
Behemoth + scales + wendigo = a lot of healing/regen. With blood of dreeg, pburst, and judicators rings I’m over 1k regen plus a ton of healing from scales/wendigo and 20% to dodge form maxed shadow dance.
It’s pretty fun even though I’m not a fan of turning casters into semi melee bilds
Please do, really interested to see your devotion setup. I think I can turn it into something I like personally once I get some overall view on what’s preferrable and what’s not. I was really disappointed with the Tainted Eruption from Abomination tree. When it procs from ranged tossed DEE, it just explodes around my character. Should’ve read the description more properly I guess. At this point I’m thinking of just going with defensive devotions and maybe some -resist/defense stuff where/if it’s possible and let the damage come from the DEE itself and gear. I’m usually all for melee but after leveling and gearing multiple melee characters, I’m looking for something a bit different. I do have my Aether CT/Devastation-sorcerer too, but haven’t really played with him in a while since there’s very little room for upgrades to have.
That is exactly what I do with my setup, take manticore and the rest is defense only though scales/wendigo do provide a little damage.
Few different things I’ve done with the setup:
Offensive setup = Drop crane + scales and grab okraine’s lantern + abomination. Side note if you bind eruption to blade spirit it will spawn from the center of the blade, but the proc chance is low for single targets and we are melee mode anyway so it proccing on top of us works. I bind it to infinite gaze from mark of dreeg, as the cooldowns are pretty much the same and it is a really high proc chance even on single target since it can shotgun. This is what I primarily use, but I go back and forth. This one loses like 550hp or something like that plus scales heal, noticeable vs hard hitting bosses but otherwise don’t really notice.
Slightly tankier setup = Drop 2 points from Ulzuin’s and complete manticore for 1 purple then grab the 15% reduced stun duration node on empty throne + throw a leather hide on your helmet for another 25% stun reduction and 5% HP. Since we don’t need 15 green anymore you can rearrange some additional points for more health as well
When I first played DEE ages ago I never would’ve guessed I would be facetanking Fabius at some point with it He can get you low sometimes, but I think if you die it’s 100% on you. Mad queen requires some kiting and Zantarin can be deadly if his boys reduce your hp and he shotguns you. Outside of specific nemesis fights or enraged sharzul you are pretty much invincible
Not a lot of people are going to have either of those 2 sets legit. Over 400 hours, I got 2 Deathmarked pieces, and zero, yes, zero Ultos pieces. Most are looking for builds that can perform well without those sets. Jaja’s Saboteur can get by with less. I still got a blademaster I haven’t touched in weeks, because he’s literally not viable in Ultimate without top tier gear. Less than 1/2 the HP of my 2H Warder, and less DPS with the best “non-deathmarked” gear I’ve got that I placed on him.
Very true. This is why my current fav is cooldown based poison. Can slay most any boss/nemesis in good time with faction gear and misc others you’ll find just during the leveling process. No long slow ramp up while trying to farm in ultimate required just get there and go!