Strongest builds nowadays?

Hi everyone,

So i’ve been around since early access but keep coming back to this game :slight_smile:
Last build i ran was Jajaja’s saboteur build which was pretty decent. :slight_smile:

I was wondering what the current meta builds are nowadays and if there are any guides for said builds in the compendium/on here?

Whats considered the strongest?


Probably something with Occultist in it because of Curse of Frailty/Vulnerability being absolutely amazing for increasing damage output. Just my guess.

Edit: Though when you say “strongest”, do you mean most damage output? Most survivability? There are so many different criteria one could use for gauging “strongest” character in the game.

Edit 2: Also, probably not a Battlemage, because Soldier and Arcanist have poor synergy in a lot of ways from what I hear.

Sorry, strongest isn’t the greatest word for clarity. A better way of addressing the topic may have been “Which builds are generally considered the meta for clearing/farming ultimate/crucible” :slight_smile:

Cadence witchblade.
A lot of good info in the thread, as well as plenty of variations.

I would say Cunning Blademasters and OA stacking Ultos are the best right now.

I certainly think the witchblade is a powerful build. The blademaster is also a popular choice. I really think its also down what what kind of play style you like.

Witchblade Warborn Cadence
Elementalist Light’s Defender (I can solo crucible 150 glad with 3 afk, so strong and tank)
BM Deathmarked (Has thread about it as well)
Conjurer Pet (Always is strong)
Sorcerer CT Agrivix Aether/Fire
Battlemage Iskandras (I dont have, but I have alot friend which has and its strong as well)

I think these ones come to my mind now.

Theses I know right now… My Warder Lighting can do crucible 150 glad and Avatar Ultimate as well, but these ones I listed I think are stronger than him.

But any build can do Ultimate or Farm Crucible 150 glad solo, just needs to know how to balance it.

I can vouch for this, also coming back to the game after a long time.

Also, the CT Sorc with the new Agrivix set seems to have a lot of potential. Clears extremely quickly, but needs to be more careful.

Don’t forget 2h savagery elementalist and DEE witch hunter.

I think 2h savagery warder >>> elementalist… Elementalist its better for light’s defender build.

Is really good that everyone suggests different things.
The game is well balanced.

Why? You lose a massive lightning debuff, a lot of OA and flashbang/blastshield/high potency bwc make you semi invincible so you can lay the law down. Soldier gives you more hp/da/armor absorb, but you also lose 3 sweet defensive abilities in the process on top of an obscene amount of damage

For CT build its better agrivix or iskan set? The 20% physical from iskan seems so strong mainly for crucible

For warborn dont know what is the best witchblade or blademaster? Don’t know also if cunning is the way to go.?

Witchblade by a mile. Cadence doesn’t really need DW (not that you couldn’t…) and when going pure physical having access to CoF is huge. For a DW cadence blademaster better off with pierce I’d imagine.

Physique always and forever.

Yeah these 2 builds are beasts.

Btw OP it depends on what you want to achieve: you can farm Ultimate with many builds, but if you wanna take on Nemesis you’ll probably have to use the sigh meta builds.
And that’s something I don’t like very much, if only GD’s itemization was better…

Agrivix its better than Iskandras, I tested both set…

Iskandras its better to go as Aether Ray Sorceer.


But any build can solo nemesis ultimate, depends the way you balance the build.

Has build its is easier than others, which is these builds, doesnt needs specific green itens to do that.

Well… I havent said which Elementalist Ulto’s its useless, just said using light’s defender based build its strong and Ulto’s its better for Warder because its melee build.

Light’s Defender based build its lighting and fire, which Elementalist manipulate both elements, Lighting from Shaman and Fire from Demo, and that set buffs Storm Totem and Stun Jacks, and has alot devotions/itens which buffs both and increases Shaman or Demo all skillls

Ultos its just lighting element and soldier has alot buffs/skills important for melee based like:
Charge (mobility)
Fighting Spirit its good alot, 200% all damage and alot OA
Military Conditing HP/Psyque buff, playing as melee, its important that hp buff
Scars of Battle (decreases stun/freeze and increases armor)
War Cry its a OP skil for any melee based build

Ultos elementalist is also melee build. OA and dps wise elementalist outrank warder by far, warder is tankier thought. Check out this thread

And that DEE Builds are actual as of current patch? Always wanted to try a proper poison DoTer, browsed available builds, but a lot of them have posts like: “it’s not working anymore because of X in N patch” or just straight abandoned with no new posts in months.

Now i’m going for this as it seems the most recent one, but i’m not sure.