Suggestion: Competitive Crucible

Edit 02:
a much simpler implementation might be Last Man Standing - Sabotage Edition. which doesn’t actually need the devs to do anything. just the players to agree on the base rules. such as not activating the next set of waves early. then they load into the Crucible and get as far as they can without dieing. players can freely use enemies to try to kill each other, or any other strategy they can come up with really

Edit 01: updated the wording to point out that players would basically be in their own personal game. not playing together in a single instance. that is why the spectator mode. though frankly enough external tools exist that anything past a simple Current Ranking UI element would be unneeded. as people can use multiple methods to watch each others game’s and chat with each other

Original Idea:
had an idea to bring a form of PvP to GrimDawn. competitive Crucible. friends would be able to make game where they could compete against each other in different Crucible challenges. Timed, Hardcore, Single Run are the three basic ones i could think of. After the challenge is setup each player would load into a separate instance of the Crucible on a fresh level 10 character. after the challenge is complete each player would be ranked by Highest Wave Completed, Highest Score, Highest Damage Done to a Single Enemy, and/or Fastest Time.

Single run would be just that. one Crucible run. starting from wave 1.
Hardcore would be how far each player could get before dieing.
Timed run would be what each player could accomplish in the allotted time. from 30 minutes, up to 3 hours. in half hour increments

maybe even a possible best out of three

to even the playing field transfer stash is locked; and all crafting recipes are unlocked, or the list starts from fresh for each run

no idea. i just think there is a market for this and lots of people would enjoy it. i might even. it kinda catches my fancy. even if i’m not much into the competitive stuff. i would definitely do single player runs. just to see how i stack up against other players. maybe have a end screen in there people can screen shot and post online. just to make that easier

players who ended their runs could spectate other players runs. and friends that wanted to sit it out could spectate the different players runs from in game

thanks for reading. thanks for the great game. and thanks to the player base for being them. all of them

made a few major edits. think i’m done with this. hoping someone finds the idea of value. have fun everyone