[Suggestion] It's time to weaken negative mutators a bit

Pretty much the title.
After the rebalancing of mastery RRs, most class combos lost 5% of it and some 10%. With negative mutator adding +15% resistance, it seems a bit too much.
So I suggest lowering the +resist value to 10-12%.


Seems reasonable enough.

What class combo lost 10%?

If I’m correct, all double-RR classes lost 5% of their overall RR, and combos with Demo lost 10%, as Thermites were additionally nerfed.
This applies also to 1-RR classes with Demo like Commando, as they were lost 5% RR too but were never outperforming.

aether and vitality double rr masteries with necro also have lost around 8 or 10 if i’m not mistaken


9% was taken from 20/10 Spectral Wrath, yes.

Valdran on lightning sorc is pure nightmare with res mutator.

I’m already paying little attention to mutators. They would be even less relevant when weaker.
Actually I wouldn’t mind removing them altogether. But if they are to stay, let them have proper impact.

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I always skipped those possessed healers if resistant mutator is present on SR


Not only +res mods, but -as/cs/ms should be weakened
-25 cs with one mod, wtf it that
-15 as is a heavy hit for 2handers always
-15 ms when some classes can’t even cap movespeed

Don’t forget it can be combined with Tainted for additional 8% penalty

And why Tained gives 20% crit damage, while Weakened reduces it by 30% ?


This applies also for + cc resists for mobs. Don’t remember how it’s called properly but the fact is: +25 cc resists to mobs absolutely crush your olexra/blade trap build as these skills become ABSOLUTELY useless (even hourglass+olexra).


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