[Suggestion] Please change the Inferno physical RR to -X%

I really want physical Battlemage in this game, but there are no reliable physical Battlemages except okayish Spellscourge.

If you compare Witchblade, Blademaster, DK, Commando, Tactician and Battlemage, every class has its advantages supporting physical damage: Witchblade and DK have RR skills; Witchbade, Blademaster, Commando have total or attack speed; Tactician have racial bonuses, huge crit damage and Inquisitor Seal. Except Battlemage. Battlemage has none of these advantages and it’s total outsider right now.


Changing physical RR on Inferno to -X% should help and thus physical battlemages will rise from ashes.
On other hand, it will not break the existing balance; only Battlemages will receive significant damage boost, other classes will make no use of this physical RR.

Some conversion builds like existing physical Mortar defiler can be a threat, but I don’t think physical warlocks or sorcerers can make significant benefit from this RR.

Sounds reasonable to me, so you have +1 from me. :wink:

P.S: I have feeling that Arcanist class does need more support for RR - I had a lot of experience with BM and I know what I am talking about.

ITC its impossible, cause Inferno is not a debuff.

I believe that this won’t help battlemages at all. I mean, some builds will be better, but honestly, if you had a touch of physical resist reduction only few builds would be happy about that.
Meanwhile, aether Krieg battlemage still would have no RR (only 78% iirc).

I would say elemental battle mage won’t have any RR as well.

That one of reason why battlemages aren’t exactly popular ATM .:rolleyes:

If that’s the case then it’s a shame, because I am all for this suggestion. Maybe -RR% to Nullification then? (although cooldown on it is an issue).

-% specific RR can only be put on skills that have duration like Word of Pain or Devouring Swarm. It’s why Blindfury can’t have it, it doesn’t have duration and this applies to Inferno as well.

This. /10char

Well, Devouring Swarm doesn’t have duration by itself, its debuff is packed into projectile applying debuff upon contact. Why can’t CT do the same?

Devouring swarm does have it’s own duration. It just doesn’t deliver the debuff the same way as CoF does.

You show the duration of applied debuff. Projectile and debuff of Devouring Swarm are different entities. Projectile hits the target, then debuff is applied. Why can’t CT do the same?

Devouring Swarm is the exact same as Curse of Fraility, it just takes longer to reach the target while the latter reaches instantly. The projectile you throw isn’t technically a projectile because it doesn’t trigger Mad Queen’s retal aura. So it’s a debuff through and through.

CT is not a debuff and Inferno is tied to it, therefore it can’t have -% specific RR.

I see.
Thanks for clarification!

This sounds wrong. Curse of Frailty uses skill_attackbuffradius.tpl template, while Devouring Swarm uses skill_attackprojectiledebuf.tpl. In short, they are functionally different skills - one simply debuffs stuff in AoE and another sends a projectile that places a debuff on collide.

The skill that does that is called Soul Siphon.

What you ask for is probably technically possible via secondary skill modifiers, but it probably goes beyond what is considered reasonably “simple”. Likely in the “requires programmer time” territory - if the necessary template doesn’t exist yet it’s basically creation of the new skill template for the sake of it.

So, that’s possible at least.
Soul Syphon is duration-based skill btw

Soul syphon tick every second.

What i said is what Ceno told me. And just tested to be sure and Devouring Swarm doesn’t trigger Mad Queen’s retal aura, or else i would be getting a barrage of life reduction projectiles. So it’s not a projectile. And they both still debuffs, regardless if one is thrown and takes time to reach and another reaches instantly.

Siphon Souls and CT are completely different skills. Siphon Souls is a tick based skill unnaffected by cast speed and with duration, while CT is a spammable skill (on the normal version) affected by cast speed and no duration.

Not possible for the same reason as CT. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: DS should trigger MQ aura, but only the projectile itself. The ticking component of it wouldn’t do so.

I made sure several times to hit her with DS while the aura was up and the aura never sent any life reduction projectiles. Only projectiles i was being hit by was the worms projectiles.

Edit: Just tried again and the aura wasn’t sending projectiles when she was being hit by the DS projectile. I don’t know anything anymore.