[Suggestion] Regarding chaos damage for pets

Bring better items that support chaos damage for pets. Desecrator Covenant is great but it takes 5 item slots and don’t give that much. It would be nice to bring a legendary set or to buff the Covenant from epic to legendary, adding more modifiers and even conversion for the Primal Spirit, Hellhound or Briarthorn.

Witching Hour is also great, but I always feel like there’s something missing on this item; I mean, it is kinda great for any type of pet build, it gives lots of bonus, but it’s focus isn’t really chaos damage for that same reason.

Invocation to Chaos:

This is one of the best looking pet skills in the game; brings versatility and new pets that you can’t find anywhere else, BUT it is locked behind a level 58 item. I would like to suggest moving it to one of the pieces of the Desecrator Covenant set, like the medal or the helmet or even to a new amulet since I believe the M. Will of Bysmiel already has its focus on elem damage.

I believe this is all for now. Feel free to comment on this thread.
Stay safe. Cheers.

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