When building around Phantasmal Blades with Venomlance there is the issue of fully converting Nether Edge damage to acid. You have to choose converting cold or chaos to acid, not both, which of course is not optimal.
Vitality>Acid conversion is easy to achieve without compromising important gear slots like head or amulet, so I think this modifier could be replaced with a more useful conversion.
MY SUGGESTION: Replace Vitality>Acid conversion with Chaos>Acid or Cold >Acid
This would make the full transition to acid easier to achieve, as there would be only 1 damage type left to convert. Even if the player decides to not convert the remaining type, he/she would only lose half damage of Nether Edge instead of whole node.
For Oathkeepers Physical>Acid conversion seems redundant as Righteous Fervor transmuter already converts 100% phys to acid…so maybe replace that conversion too, but perhaps I’m asking too much.
For the curious, here are my Acid Phantasmal Blades attempts:
Acid PB+Trozan Spellbreaker : The conduit not only enables Acid TSS but helps with cold damage conversion.
Acid PB+Doom Bolt Witch Hunter : The conduit enables Acid DB and helps with chaos conversion
Acid PB+ABB Witch Hunter : No meme conduits, instead went for chaos conversion and ABB focus.
Notice that Nether Edge is never fully converted in either of those, but hopefully the other damage skills compensate this enough.