In no particular order other than as I think of them:
- Functional Salt Rings - what a cool place to run to and be protected then come back surrounded by mobs waiting to kill you - that seems like it would be a cool additional bit of functionality - it would become a strategy, just like if it was real to gather them up in a safe spot then you have to venture out before your skills would work - venturing out into that mob would be fun
- Reverse Faction Damage - if a quest was selected that excluded another (i.e., on my first character, I accidentally picked the opposing faction in a second run through and had to start over since there was no way to reverse it) - I’m absolutely not asking to abandon a quest, but to fix your screwup in game - like it would be if you accidentally harmed a rep in the “real” world - seems it would be a nice set of content, if someone chose/needed to use it - it could be w/wo rewards - I say w/o both sets of rewards which seems overpowering, so no one could do this if they had taken rewards from the new choice
- In-game or via Rainbow - have the ability to set a different border for items of interest (i.e., double/triple rare items)