Suggestions utilizing bloody/blessed whetstone granted skill

i had these components in very few builds to weave in between other nuke skills. now they don’t exactly seem to make sense to me for spamming because they can’t seem to compete with auto attack replacers and they compete less with nukes. kinda drawing a blank atm, anyone has some pointers?

filler, like chain lightning and chill spikes etc
no skill point investment needed, gets wd to leech and some small dot stacking for bleed dot builds
I dono, goredrinker paladin/infil/dervish, gutripper shaman meme mebe, where the aim isn’t to go aa wps but other stuff, then supplement with new pseudo blade arc that doesn’t require a relic+conversion
*and unlike blade arc can actually be used with pierce/bleed guns :sweat_smile:

*kinda sad both whetstones got changed to the same spam, i guess it makes sense to still keep it as direct upgrade, but kinda could be cool if one was still CD, so like, CD blade arc and spam blade arc component skills :sweat_smile:

I made a new build tonight because I wanted to try lvling with both.

Blessed wetstone is pretty much being used from lvl 20 to lvl 35.
Regardless of if they stay as it is or not I would reduce the lvl of blessed stone to be able to use it a bit earlier

As for the damage itself it didn’t feel that good (with a 2handed melee weapon) but it’s just while lvling.
Got up to lvl 41

Maybe the lvl to use bloody wethstone could be increased (lvl 75) with more damage too.
The idea could be the same in between Chipped claw and Severed Claw (lvl 75 to use but much bigger AEO with damage over time added too).

instructions unclear and so on… :stuck_out_tongue:

should dervish/paladin use boneslicer or butcher of burrwitch, does anyone even use boneslicers for that matter? dunno, all of these have aoe so i see no need for spam skills over a nuke.

i find that i always :wink: have points for savagery when going shaman & bleeding.

so expecting no use past lvl 94?

issue is you get a fat 0 pierce WD there, on a pierce bleed hybrid set :sweat_smile:
which means outside VM impact hits you get no benefit from pierce % or RR

even for lvling it’s hard to see, the damage isn’t that good.
It’s just better to focuse on you masteries skills

I tried on a lvl 100 using the unseen set. I kept the same gear beside the weapon (I crafted a 2h handed weapon -bad prefix but good suffix ruthlessness- and added an augment ). The damage was kinda bad, damage under 50k dps.

Obviously, Bloody Wethstone is not blade arc and shouldn’t be blade arc in terms of damage

I didn’t test for bleeding though

Does the skill have to stay as spammable ?
Could we make the skill on cooldown, like severed claw ?
Then make the cleave bigger (7+ meeter maybe ?) for Bloody Wethstone and oriented for bleeding.
Then make Severed claw bigger AOE and focused on Internal Trauma damage.

Or maybe make then all procs/aura , if it’s too hard to make them usuable for end-game because of balance.

that’s literally how it was before, minus the cleave increase

i think the issue is people see this as a “main” skill or main skill replacer
where as i think it’s probably intended to be a filler, like how the lvl 75 comps/chill spikes etc are

if you’re a pierce caster or bleed caster, without a spamable, you can use the pseudo blade arc or as gunner, like if you’re a ring of steel gandar non AA pierce caster
then you don’t need to actually invest in wps etc and can spend those points elsewhere
with the benefit you can actually use it as filler on gun equipped builds too

wouldnt’ cause conflicting conversion on this like ex chill spikes would/does on some pierce builds, so might actually help with sustain now :sweat_smile: *haven’t checked for this particular setup yet

I know, Dunno how good it was though, I didn’t make too many bleed based builds in generals.
I think I didn’t really see that component in end-games builds.

If it was’t that good the bleed damage could be increased a bit and the AOE could be like a cleave that has a bigger reach

my sense was it was just too clunky to use for a single extra source, while passive buff comps was better
perhaps a decent comparison is blade arc, even CD blade arc for bleed builds was aimed at getting lower cooldown, 3.5 cd for a melee swipe skill is just “rough” to play with i guess
(and not like the base bleed was even that low/comparable to some other soft capped skills)

*old decapitate comes out to 244 bleed/sec,
1 seal of blades is 145, and is entirely passive, 5meter around you :sweat_smile: (while buffing pierce res and armour)

I have to agree, skills on CD can feel bad on your rotations of skills
Usually adding too many skills makes the gameplay clunky.

Then maybe all or most components on weapons should be “auras” or a “proc on attack” or a “WPS” or even maybe a skill alike cadence/firestrike/…/auto-attacking skills.

I mean end-game build use that type of components in weapons, why not having more options ?