Sunder is just bad for the game

You still have to stand still to cast Aegis, and also to use Blitz vs stun bosses you need to be much closer than usual due to being interrupted.
Of course they could just run around for 5-10 minutes taking pot shots then your point “Lokarr shouldnt’ really bother you much regardless of sunder” may have meaning, making it a terrible fight.

which matters how in terms of range? standing still for a split second had never been an issue for CD casters/kiters; they still offer the range advantage, the range advantage that here keeps you out of “melee” sunder spam, but also give the breathing room for not having to rely on evade the same

no you can still blitz from a distance, it doesn’t change, when the blitz is done you still walk away, the difference vs a potential interuptable attack or not will just be that it might not connect (and the longer distance you are from an enemy when you blitz the lower chance they will engange close range CC effects and would use long range like benji trap)

that is indeed an option, even part of the very method/approach i said this aegis>RF setup lends itself well to
you might not have tried blitz or ranged/cd casters much by the way you think they act?

  1. You cannot Blitz once your stunned, have you tried it at a distance where you move because stun stops it?
    2.Mid range stop casting vs a spam sunder boss your still being hit unless you spend 70% of the fight running around like a headless chicken, terrible way to fight.
    Just saying because you make Lokarr’s attack with its combined Sunder sound trivial for players.

you blitz before/after it’s not rocket science - you’re not going to be caught out n every blitz, specially not when you do it from outside X skill trigger distance

mid range casting is, relatively “long” range/safe distance; lokar sunders in melee, because his attack is on his AA/“forcewave”, you can easily outrange him
it’s infact why/how Lokarr is Much easier now post sunder on non channel casters and kiters/kite capable builds, because they can stay out of nasty distance and only have to contend with shadow strike
try better

i’m hit by YT upload limit, but i’d make a neat little recording of just how much that “stun blitz interrupt” is either all in your head, or you’re thinking of something else/forgetting this fight/what blitz can do; stun preventing blitz is not an issue

You cannot stop arguing with me today can you :smiley:
It may had been more in the past as the goto was to have strong stun resist vs Lokarr and Mogdrogen, not just me thinking that but such as Rekt and co.
But again as an argument you focus on one point and not the whole context.
Context was you said to the guy Lokarr’s attack and sunder is trivial for the aegis and blitz build and inferred they should run around, along with age not being an issue (I feel your not listening to some of what drubchen says).
In reality at moderate range your hit by Lokarr’s stun atk (albeit I think every 6ish seconds), furthermore as I was saying if you then try to dodge most of the sunder and take pot shots that is a terrible way to fight Lokarr in the long term.
A player needs to judge their cooldowns-sustains and taking those Lokarr attacks to DPS then kite.
Anyway I love the new Lokarr as its a great way to test how tanky ones char with Lokarr’s consistency and strong damage without being too extreme; its the perfect boss to understand a build’s sustain capability for the harder end-game.

And one piece of advice we all didnt give, mutators can matter vs Lokarr especially cooldown/speed related ones on enemies.

you’re mistaken, there is no arguing here, that would require you to come with something debatable
i’m, vehemently, “objectively”, telling you “this isn’t the case”
or in simpler terms; you’re fundamentally and mechanically wrong on this part
*this isn’t an opinion btw :sweat_smile:
**and like i mentioned in the other, if you don’t like replies; then just don’t reply, because if you reply to me i will reply to answer, either as “courtesy” however unwanted sometimes; or to “correct” things/clear up misunderstands or potential perceived misreadings/miscommunications (i’m great at not being legible :+1:); but most definitely also to counter a direct reply that’s flat out “telling me” something incorrect…
*saying “telling me”, because i’m recieving these as direct replies, (I would still reply if it was “mentions” tho/if it’s mentions that seem “direct” to me/something i said)

irrelevant to anything going on ehre and all points made, by both of us - that’s the skewing happenign

i am not, and that is indeed the key you take A, and B say X either to both or individually; and i’m addressing that in kind, fully, and soley - yes i am indeed “staying on top” (just our little side of it here now tho)

these are separate and i even highlighted their separteness, how, and where

i did not; i even very much specified, exactly because it was initially perceived so

i am very aware that twitch reflexes has been an issue for people post sunder, even those not dealing with age, hence why i’m not dismissing it
I’m very much directly specifically mentioning this whole thing because this is a semi niche case where we have almost the perfect lokarr counter where twitch reflexes/evade isn’t really paramount because of the way this specific fight can run, and how these skills then mechanically work in that element
*i even mention there are few things more perfect than this potential build, ie actual pure range kiters (since blitz technically puts us in close distance that is an element of threat/dmg but not where evade/twitch reflexes is then required still)

you are not - my videos will not only show this; grimtools will show this (and if you went and played the fight you’d quickly get an understanding of why that is), but i’ll spoil it
*medium doesn’t mean the same for NPC as for player

yep there is 12sec cd on hp pot, that is indeed somethnig to be aware; doesnt’ require twitch reflexes or evade skills

you can semi waltz around a lot of the dmg, not just so much because of AI jank but just the way skills and his skill work in general mechanically/“animation” and casting stuff wise
bigger(est) issue is actually when the waves start doing their weird homing thing later and travel round the arena, you can still avoid that but it can get awfully weird walking in awkward paths while looking out for the NPC; but again, it’s generally not really that much twitch reflex/evade requirement there (you’ll see)

very much, and the weapon he spawns with :sweat_smile:
haven’t fought lokar much after the phys dmg change so i’m not really sure how/if that affected him, but prior to 1.2.1 +phys dmg mutator could be absolutely murder on some low phys res low armour builds

for reference @Farnsworth, this is 8m

this is max aegis distance

it doesn’t even come close to being in reach range(smash wave is 8meter reach)

and that’s just the distance of the skill, you need to be closer than 8m to even trigger it

*actually i forgot you can “technically” get a bit more distance on aegis if you don’t rely on the auto"walk in range to reach" and stationary throw it :sweat_smile: - but that’s hardly something to do mid Lokarr fight ofc so lets go with the original/auto range :smiley:

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There’s literally budget builds that can kill lokarr he’s not even hard.

The problem with him is that it’s hard to see the sunder coming since the whole screen is red most of the time, and the warning that is coming is also red.

Lokarr’s sunder is on his “auto attack” the split trail fire forcewave he spams when near, taking all the guesswork out of it since it’s not a special attack/cd skill but the default/expectation in close range or when you see the flame trails

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What is Sunder even? Is it new mechanic? I’ve spotted evade and like it a lot. But Sunder?

It’s introduced here Grim Dawn Version v1.2.0.0 + v1.2.0.1 + v1.2.0.2 + v1.2.0.3 Hotfixes

it’s the red debuff many bosses give you
gives you that scary screen border warning effect

I like it. I think it’s much better than specific resistance reductions from bosses that aren’t at all obvious. This is consistent and quite clear what is happening. (once you know what it is)

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I understand the original poster, and I’m glad there are mods to remove sunder and suit their play-style.

However, I love Sunder and evade. The changes with 1.2 really drive the game away from the “read build-guide, hold LMB, win” philosophy, and adds actual player skill to the equation. Makes it feel satisfying to beat a difficult boss because you timed your evade right, based on how the monster telegraphed their most dangerous attacks.

No hate towards all of you build-guide readers. Love y’all :wink:

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Love sunder too, only boss that’s damn near impossible to avoid sunder on is Benny. But he was a big softie anyways so now it’s kind of a challenge

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Benny sunder is the only one I’ve learned to evade, lol.

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it’s on the bombs/clusters too aside from his stab, so just evading stab isn’t always enough if you’re standing close to obsidian bombs

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