Tester+ Save File - All Super Bosses Open + All Augments, Components & Potions.

Took me bloody long enough, was planning to have this out at Xmas, but severe ADHD is brilliant at diverting my attention and making me forget everything…

But here it finally is:

_Tester+.zip (1.5 MB)

All Super bosses unlocked and Mog’s not killed, 500 in everything you’ll usually need vis components and augments, with 2000 Scrap and 5000 Aether Crystals and all factions set to Revered. Use GD Stash to adjust KC/DV rep as needed. Only 3 movement runes, but you have the materials to craft what ever one you want.

Also comes with a perfect Serenity roll for +5% to all attributes, because it’s my go to :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh and the augments are alphabetically organised too. So no more going “where the fluffballs is that augment?!” when you go hunting for them.

As for “why?” - the current tester saves don’t have everything unlocked or have Mogdrogen unkilled or the kill token hasn’t been reset. Along with lacking the basic components needed for crafting movement runes.

So enjoy and may your character list be filled with weird meme builds your testing too :3 Will try and update this too when Fangs finally releases. Though it’ll take awhile for obvious reasons.

Oh yeah, before I forget, due to probable windows fuckwittery sometimes renaming the Tester+ file to a new name via GD Stash can and will go wrong. Easiest work around is to copy the _Tester+ folder before renaming it, that way you don’t have to stuff around with renaming the .bak files.

Learnt this the hard way :upside_down_face:

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Bollocks, just realised yesterday this save file is missing two components. Will upload a new file once I finish with the current tester build.

And to remind my terrible ADHD and sleep debt addled brain - Fur, Mark of Dreeg, Imbued Silver and maybe another are missing.

Fortunately enough materials are available to work around all but MoD, but yeah, major brain fade on my part >_<

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