The Azrakaa's Epoch Relic is too weak as a lvl 90 Relic

The lvl 90 Relic, Azrakaa’s Epoch,which seems designed for pierce/bleed BD or cunning BD,is too weak now.

1,Compare to other pierce based relic, Vengeance, Belgothian’s Carnage,and Nemesis,consider the nightblade+1 or Inquistor+1,the three relic can get same or more % damage and flat damage,and Azrakaa’s Epoch only get poor useless Petrify Resistance and has no advantage on OA/DA.(V has %DA,B has OA and cunning,N has cunning and a pet reduced 150DA)

2,the A’s skill,Sand devil is too weak.The sand devil only has a Aura and different sand devil’s Aura cannot add up, which means the sand devil is only a poor 3.3 meter AoE with poor damage.

3,Compare to the 60lvl all damage relic Blademaster’s talisman,which has no skill+1,the Azrakaa still has no advantage.B has more flat damge,and more %OA.

so I think the Relic really need some buff,here is my suggestion:
1,change the Petrify Resistance to other useful Resistance.
2,Buff the sand devil.
3,some flat damage.


just make the aura attack instead of debuff class, ez,
if the concern is absurd bleed stacking can adjust spawn CD a bit

otherwise statwise i think it’s fine, can’t really compare class relics to non class stats, let alone when you get racism or %OA/DA as craft bonus


the Petrify Resistance is really funny and useless,i think change to stun res could be more useful

i asked lee about petrify res vs stun res in another thread couple minutes ago, since recently there has been a request to add/increase petrify res generally
My thoughts being if petrify res is desirable, seems counterintuitive to remove it/replace it with something more “generic”, but couple specific builds he said does struggle more on stun than petrify.
Whether builds using this relic would fall into that category i can’t say tho, but would probably have to ask him/more people if petrify is actually bad here vs availability/builds that use it and their stat surplus.
It can be easy to change a CC res and suddenly a bunch turns out negatively impacted :sweat_smile:

I have used the relic in piercing AAR,and still feels no advantage than serenity.
and other pierce BD usually has more suitable class relic or serenity.
it’s too sad that a lvl 90 relic can only make steam achieve :smiling_imp:

Some Damage Reduction AKA DR on wind turbines would seem nice to have with this relic…

wouldn’t that be a bit superfluous now we’ve gotten DR so many other places ?
Seems like increasing dmg/making dmg stackable would be more useful than something we already got access 5 different places to this PTR? :sweat_smile:
*i’m assuming it would be a "either A or B not both"type of deal buff we’d get if any

I think stat wise relic is all right. It rolls up to 144% to Pierce damage and has decent OA/DA res/cc-res. Lack of flat and lack of speeds (and skill points) should mean that the main selling point is the relic’s proc and here is where I agree with op: its proc is very weak. It doesn’t stack and Impaired Aim is already over-represented for Pierce (you have it on Word of Pain and Azrakaa’s devotion proc).


I’ve rarely used that relic. Pierce NB are always lacking enough skill points, so you’re desperate to use relic with +1 class. Pierce ranged needs WPS relic and bleeding is usually Shaman+something and you’re taking Massacre relic. It’s pretty niche and it’s decent, but not great. The proc can definitely use a buff.


the relic is good stat-wise (rolls probably the highest total% of pierce) except for maybe vit res (might be replaced with sth else). proc is indeed underwhelming and can get some steroids.

This. That’s the solution IMO

I never use Epoch specifically because of that. What’s the point of having multiple pets if they can’t each do something ? Especially when there is a strong emphasis on a DoT-based damage type.

Yeah, the non stacking wind devils are the problem with this relic. Removing the debuff is indeed the simplest solution, but I’d like to suggest another one: make it spawn only one big devil. You can simply copy one of Cally’s big ones, with adjusted stats. This way you can keep the debuff and yet have useful bleed damage since it’s just one source.

And it looks cool, of course.