The Division

Anyone playing The Division? Ubisoft aside, I’m enjoying the game quite a lot. This coming from someone who thought the beta was utter garbage and refused to buy it. Some friends of mine convinced me to get it, it’s a lot more enjoyable than I anticipated.

The Dark Zone could use some work, but the primary story missions are really fun.

Picked the game up just yesterday and played for a few hours. I still feel pretty noobish but I’m having fun so far. However as of today I constantly loose the connection to the servers… I tried to finish one mission four times now :furious:

Obviously I Alt + F4 for today.

Nevertheless I am going to sink some serious time in this game!

after playing like 110h the first 2 weeks, i quite stopped playing as there’s quite nothing to do since i reached DZ 50 :confused: can’t wait for april 12 & incursions tho

Enjoying it so far. The gameplay is fun and the controls mostly frustration free and there’s a decent difficulty curve so far.

It’s not sucking in my hours like GD does, but it’s good to just pick up and run a few missions with (if not disconnected somewhere along the way…)