The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer :3

This thread is not a build guide, but showcase of an endgame build.

This is my guide: The Carnival - A Guide to Pets

All my build threads are just that, build threads. They are not meant to be used for leveling.

In other words, do not follow the devotion setup from the Original Post of this thread as Fluffy Squishy is meant to be used once you have all the items. In other words, once you have farmed up the necessary items, you respec into the final endgame setup.

Shepherd’s Crook is arguably the most important pet devotion. However, Fluffy Squishy is built for defense and comfort and those goals are achieved better by following a devotion setup where Shepherd’s is removed for a slightly altered, but more sturdy setup.

For a beginner build however, keeping Shepherd’s is a better option since you won’t have the raw power from items to compensate for the lack of Shepherd’s Crook.

I hope that explained the reason behind it :blush:

Note that you will see a third devotion setup in the actual guide with the Blizzard Proc (Amatok) & Turtle. I level builds as mono Class (for eg; Fluffy Squishy as Occultist without choosing a second class), so Amatok for example was chosen for extra damage while Turtle helps provide a bit of extra sturdiness to help compensate for the lack of a second Class.