The New Nemesis System (from

He just ignored doors, his collision seems to be much smaller than the model.
Had to break him down, to reset his leash a few times though.

That last round of merch should have been a SUDDEN Kuba plushie.

Like, what are you doing down in the Dermapteran hive, you stupid animal? How did you get there?


Still, I wouldn’t be opposed to a Warrant increasing the speed at which a Nemesis spawns. Give Warrants a use on a character who already has Nemeses unlocked.

Also, seeing the progress towards a Nemesis spawn would be nice IMO. Now that they can Deep Strike anywhere in your vicinity at a whim, having at least some forewarning wouldn’t hurt. “Ah, I shouldn’t engage this boss/group of heroes, as I am 1 kill away from a Nemesis”. That sort of thing.

they already spawn pretty fast tho?
kinda feels like if they spawned faster it would be a bit cheap farm (it felt ridiculous how fast they spawned during playtest)

wouldn’t that defeat the entire purpose of them being a “surprise”?

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Well, a Warrant is optional after all. But true, the speed in the modifier dungeons is pretty quick. The most extreme outlier so far seems to be the Dermapterran hive near Homestead. Kuba is pretty much guaranteed there, frequently before you even kill the two Wiziers.

I honestly wouldn’t be opposed to slowing the Nemesis spawn speed and make the rate we currently have the one buffed with a Warrant.

If that was the point of the change, then sure. I thought it was to encourage exploring more of the world instead of the pre-determined Nemesis spawn points over and over.

Nah, Warrants are good were they are.

Nemesis spawns should not depend on that.

Some Nemesis spawns could be slightly slowed or sped up, individually. But aside from that, their overall spawn rate is pretty solid.

If you do the Hive in a new session, unless you do the fullest of clears, he doesn’t always spawn there.
When I on my farming routes, I typically clear the heroes on the top level, then go down to Gollus - and Kuba spawns maybe 50% of the time, just after or just before Gollus.

It seems to me, like the “meter” has a bit of variance, some sessions you only need a small amount, sometimes a much larger amount of kills.
The only areas that consistently add enough to the meter, are a few of the “dangerous areas”.
Kuba spawn rate in the Ancient Grove, before you reach the gate, is so far 100% for me.

So there is certainly an intended “surprise effect”, as to when exactly they show up.