The Prince

So I’ve been taking a break from the HC classless challenge by doing a regular HC level up character. I’ve also decided to go really slow, explore every nook and cranny (in Normal) that I could find and read ever bit of lore. It’s been a wonderful refresher and great to immerse myself back into the story. Especially since I’m building the character after a favorite character from Lieber.

That said, I just hit Homestead. Reading the lore notes, specifically Creed’s 8th Journal entry. Came across this:

> He relayed that he had secretly taken the prince and put him into hiding but declined to elaborate.

I searched around on the forum and can’t really find anything that talks about this. WHERE THE HELL IS THE PRINCE!!!

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Well he’s not ingame and there are no clues to it either. So don’t bother looking :slight_smile:

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answer: GD 2. we’ll probably visit the Erulan Capital and learn more about the royal family’s fate.

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From the 1st March 2019 dev stream:

“Just in terms of the story to be perfectly honest I feel like to do the story justice at this point we need to do something much bigger than an expansion. And there’s all this stuff, those of you who are paying attention to the dialogue will know Ulgrim and the Emperor, there’s something going on there, the Emperor’s son, those are all big stories that would really need a lot of dedication to do them justice. And how far you get from the capital would just seem insufficient.”


Perfect. That explains it. Appreciate sending that my search-fu wasn’t coming up with anything.

That said, let’s all head to the capital!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: