The rare words on pierce weapon seems need a bit buff

Blades of Wrath in the new ptr got a %damage reduction.
so I can change the “tyrant’s” in weapon to “heart piercing” or “sinister” to improve my BD’s dps.
but I find the two rare word has no advantage over the “tyrant’s”.
the “tyrant’s” got 28 physical damage,52.5% all damage,46 cunning
the “sinister” got 25 piercing damage,61% piercing danmage, 26 cunning
the “heart piercing” got 21 piercing damage,15%chance bleeding damage,61% piercing danmage, 46 cunning and some oa.
compare the 3 words, the “sinister” is the weakest word(low damage and %damage)
I think the sinister need roll back some bonus since the increasing armor piercing is useless now.
for example,roll back the damage to human,a little more % piercing damage,or a bit crit damage.


How much is damage reduction?

Not live yet. Nobody knows but the devs. :joy:

ye that explains it (no DR displayed ingame)
just checked and still no update on steam, so we’ll have to wait a bit

let’s not consider the DR,just compare the “tyrant” and “sinister”,the “sinister” is more weak than “tyrant” now in everywhere.

for a t2 constellation, I think 10-15% would be reasonable

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aeh, you’re looking at it wrong i think
phys dmg prefix has always been stronger than pierce in adding more flat or raw stats, with the %bonus being lower
same for Officer
it’s because of phys dmg being inherently “weaker” than pierce so it needed more raw i think

*if Armour Pierce Increase is still present on Sinister that’s likely just an oversight, like it was with something else that got brought up

but tyrants is not a phys prefix,it’s a all damage prefix.

i’m pretty sure it was largely considered a phys affix more despite all dmg,
*i’m assuming that based on the base dmg of Tyrant and Officer being higher than flat pierce,
and their bias on phys weapons vs pierce/having to be requested to be “more” biased on pierce than it originally was
i could be wrong

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Crit DMG or some more flat cunning would be nice on sinister prefix. Even +2 skill points in Anatomy of Murder; thematically correct and not useless.

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