Things I would love to see in Grim Dawn as a long time player


First of all thanks for all you’ve done over the years, been playing since 2016 and I can definetely say this is my favourite ARPG. Here are some things I would LOVE to see in Grim Dawn.


  • Something like a Hearthstone from WoW that lets you save a place and than teleport to your saved place. Having farmed vanquisher set recently, needing to walk to steps of torment 10+ times feels kind of bad, it could consume iron bits to make it more balanced. It would also help with farming some boss MI’s too, Bloodfeast’s Mark is one I can think of because it takes so long to get to the boss at Tyrants Hold. Maybe you can only save the location in the entrance of a given zone so you don’t just save your location right next to the boss / dungeon gate.
  • An option to change game speed like in TQ.
  • An in game “codex” that shows list of items, components, monsters, quests, if you’ve encountered said monsters or found said items, Chronicon has something like this and it would be cool here too.
  • Uncapped/Higher Max Run Speed.
  • Dismantle multiple items at once.
  • Movement skills like Blink go through walls instead of being distance based.
  • Remove all randomly generated roadblocks. I feel like this is a thing done to add some variety to extra runthroughs of the game however since the map is static it doesn’t achieve its goal and it generally feels awful.
  • Bigger world map/ability to zoom out.

Stash Related

  • Epic/Unique/Set item collection tabs similar to the unique tab in PoE.
  • Move components from inventory to stash should also transfer crafting mats like Blood of Ch’ton (Maybe a seperate button for crafting mats)
  • Infinite stash (not very hopeful on this one but can’t go wrong trying)
  • More stash space (more hope on this one)