This game has 0 balance. OMG is it unbalanced!

And then let’s remember the fact that Alex’s meteor has huge CD and you can withstand it just with decent HP pool, or evade with movement. The thing is, many enemies hit for 4k damage or less, and armour works there much better, than physical res.

@BOG: If trash mobs are accumulating to the point where they are beginning to hurt you, then you have more pressing issues to worry about besides armor because… trash mobs are never the problem.

EDIT: Or rather, they should never be a problem

Besides, you can substitute aleksander’s meteor for reaper’s super charged attack, Korvaak’s body slam, etc. etc.

I fail to see the point you’re making.

2nd EDIT: Let’s also not forget that phys res is the only thing which can negate IT damage

@1134 cunning = ~+600% phys damage.

So maiden does ~8000 IT damage over 5s with her blitz. Good luck negating that without phys res

3rd EDIT: Actually…cunning also increases IT duration, and I’m not sure by how much. 200% maybe? So that could very well be 16,000 damage over 10s

I see his point tho.

He wants you to acknowledge he’s right and you’re not. Period.

Is that dangerous at all? In SR, IM is nasty just because she has fairly high resistance to my damage type as well as heal, so killing her takes quite a time. Decent armour is all you need to facetank her, her IT isnt scary whatsoever. Oh, maybe, it’s because of Inquisitor’s seal, that soaks up all DoTs? Well, isnt it 10 times easier to get Inquisitor class, rather than stack an extra 40% physical res?

So you’re oneshotting even big fat mobs like Aetherial Abominations, as well as all heroes? Well, maybe in Crucible you do, but not in SR…

My point is, i’ve played a FW spammer build with 50% physical res, and felt even less tankier, than AAR build with 10% physical res. I cant see a way to stack 80% physical res (much less - overcap it by 40) to make phys res feel really good…

Internal trauma bypasses armor.

Inquisitor seal soaks the small DoT hits. Basically the amount of flat you see deletes the small DoT damage. So if you roll Inquisitor physical resistance is even more important. Mage Hunter can beat Gladiator 170 and SR 75 with 1.5k armor even provide it have enough physical resistance.

Of course armor can really push build defensively to the next level. But having high doesn’t mean you can skip physical resistance .

Enough = ? 60%? And how am i reastically supposed to get it? When it shows up in a bulk only on certain unique items and certain classes. It might be OK for pierce Infiltrator, but how is MH supposed to get it?
While 3300 armour does the same job (SR 75 farm, Crucible 170farm) and is clearly far more accessible. You can use rares with armour bonuses, blacksmith crafting bonuses, etc. Everything is accessable and doent requires to cling to some unwanted items.

Tell that to my 2H Tact and my 2H WB, both have the same armor but the former has 30% phys res and the latter 54% phys res. But then my Tact gets bopped for 10k damage by the meteor and my Witchblade has literally never taken more than 3k damage from the meteor. The Tact has Seal, Censure and other stuff from the Inquisitor mastery, and my Witchblade literally only has War Cry as damage mitigation. If armor worked as well as you say it does and that physical resistance doesn’t matter much, then there shouldn’t be such a big gap in damage.

Another example is my Belgothian Infiltrator with hardly above 2k armor but 50% phys res and taking physical hits much better than my Tact with nearly 3k armor but only 30% physical res. And the Infiltrator has no damage mitigation.

You are downplaying physical resistance so much that is reaching the point of ridiculousness. A single build being tanky with low phys res is the exception to the rule. Play a non Inquisitor build with low physical resistance and then come back to us.

Also, with low physical resistance, enemies can put into to the negatives and greatly multiply physical damage you take. Far more than if you had much higher physical resistance.

is grim dawn meant to be strictly balanced like competitive mobas like dota and lol?


grim dawn is a single player amusement park isometric arpg hack slash shoot boom loot game. or as some like to call it, experimental old school arpg (lots of people theorizing builds). multiplayer is just for giggles and giggles. some classes are obviously gonna end up op and some are gonna be memetastic. but most end game contents can be cleared by almost every builds. the weakest builds can still tackle most ult superbosses, cruc ~150, and sr 50+. they just need slightly longer time to beat those contents. and may be use some optional buffs here and there.

calling gd having 0 balance is just rude. unbalanced? yes, but its not like you are forced to use cookie cutter builds to farm end game contents within reasonable time. try looking at the weaker builds around gd forums and asks the pros how to enjoy gd with weaker builds.


It’s funny that you should mention that, since we are on the topic of build diversity.

Obviously it’s easier, but that shouldn’t be the only viable solution. Also, AGAIN. The 80% phys res is an EXAMPLE.

I can’t tell if you’re genuinely unable to differentiate hypotheticals from reality, or if you’re being intentionally argumentative again.

  1. Not all casters have the luxury of light’s defender’s armor. To which you’ve previously responded with something along the lines of, “then don’t pick such shit sets.” Newsflash - phys res compensates for their low armor. That’s the ONLY point I’ve been trying to make this entire time.

(Also, shit. Even builds using the soldier class may struggle to get 3k armor).

  1. Have you ever been knocked off your seal before, and been forced to kite? Good luck relying on seal to protect you from maiden’s IT in those situations.

The only reason why I’m expanding so much energy on this back-and-forth is because your pro-armor, anti-phys-res stance is just plain wrong for the reasons mentioned above.

Sigh…yet another strawman argument.

I never once said ANYTHING about one shotting mobs. I merely said they aren’t the issue here. I don’t care if my health bar goes down, as long as I don’t die.

So please, don’t confuse the 2, and please don’t put words in my mouth.

That’s because of the fucking adcth on your damn offhand. It has NOTHING to do with armor or phys res. If you don’t believe me, swap it out to a spellshock tome and let’s see how tanky your build becomes.

The devotion route you’ve opted is so suboptimal because it prevents you from capitalising on the strongest thing about your build - AAR.

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@BOG: One last thing I want to add which a lot of people seem to forget - I RARELY USE BUFFS/BANNERS IN CRUCIBLE.

I only do so to demonstrate to others how my builds will run WITH buffs/banners.

And in my opinion, naked crucible is now harder than SR 75. If you don’t believe me, why don’t you take your spec there for a spin, and see how it fares?

I just want to point out that all my builds need a buff and everything everyone else plays needs a nerf… that is, until I pick it.


With all due respect your example above is too far fetched. You can have about 50% phys res if you have a good class combo. Also 10k is an extreme example. Let’s take a 8k hit.
you have 50% phys res and 0 armor. Debuffed by -40% phys res.
You take 8000 * 0.9 = 7 200 damage

now BOG has 10% phys res and 3k armor. Debuffed by -40% phys res he got 30% more damage.
so 8000 - 3000 = 5000 * 1.3 = 6 500

even with 10k hit the result is almost same . Physical resistance starts to clearly win after 60%+ and that is almost impossible (or ineffecient) to stack for 99% of builds. Or you lose too much damage.

Well said!
Grim Dawn is about playing and enjoying the game in the way that you like playing. I fail to comprehend the modern trend today where they want to be godlike after a few hours play!. The whole theme of the original RPG games was to journey and develop your character with whatever you could find or craft. In this world, if life gave you LEMONS, you certainly would not try to make BEER, and would soldier on making the best use of the equipment and skills you could find.

I really don’t think that Grim Dawn should make every class EQUAL and balanced. To me that would actually make it BORING as no matter what classes I chose, they would all just be equally as powerful.

No challenge in that!. I enjoy playing with different weird builds. I don’t actually care if they can’t make 100 in Ultimate. I enjoy the game progression with the resources I have available.

This is a single play focused RPG that does not have crazy Seasons and Ladders that it’s competitors have (which by the way, actually destroyed those games for me)

If I want to make a character that is a dual wielding Arcanist using a shield, I will, and enjoy the characters journey. Yes, it is not an end game char, but you can have so much fun along the way.

The problem with making EVERY class balanced is that you will eventually end up like all the other games in the genre where there are ONLY a FEW top builds that everyone will use.

Why the mad rush to end game? - enjoy the character development and fun of self found builds.


Demonstrably false. Maya has OVERCAPPED phys res before thanks to emboldening presence.

If you want to talk about far fetched, let’s talk about the 0 armor rating I’ve given my hypothetical character.

But you compare extreme values of %physical resistances with a moderate armor value of 3k. There are builds with 7k+ armor. Let’'s be fair

Wait…do you actually think 3k armor IS moderate? And for the record, I’m comparing…

80% phys res + ZERO armor vs 50% phys res + 3k armor

how is this unreasonable?

Don’t compare fanstastic numbers taken from rainbow sky. Be more specific. How much %phys resistances can be stacked in GD atm? Feasible digits plz for at least 90% of builds.

Your 80% is unreasonable for the first place.

As you wish. Let’s make this very realistic, why don’t we.

1132 cunning = ~+ 600% phys damage.

1872 * 700% = 13104 physical damage on alek’s meteor. Let’s call it 13k

Scenario 1: Cabalist - 1.8k armor, 30% phys res

(13k - 1800) * 0.7 = 7840

Scenario 2: BOG’s lightning MH

(13k - 3000) * 0.9 = 9000

Man you keep giving examples of extremely hard hitting attacks which is well telegraphed ! In most scenarios you are not hit 13k but rather multiple 5-6k hits . Nobody say physical resistance is not useful it is GREAT. But in the current GD state it is hard to stack. You can use Ghoul but is still situational not permanent.

@garfunkel: Mate, as I’ve mentioned earlier - I don’t care if my HP goes down. That’s what sustain is for - adcth, heals, regen, GHOUL.

What should worry most builds are one shots, because there’s no coming back from that.

Also, as I’ve told BOG…

EDIT: It’s easier to stack phys res for casters, than it is to stack armor. Fateweaver alone gives 9% phys res

2nd EDIT: We are going off tangent, I’m going to create a second thread. Please reply me there. Apologies to OP