this shows just how good spellbinder is, but it's also a bit sad...

@OP: You should have fiend bound to chaos bolt to proc it crazy. Flame torrent is the real dmg dealer in melee

that is a great suggestion, thanks!

mate, binders are inherently so powerful so they will never be broken from their CDR opness imo

Sure, I know. Just kidding.

I am in the middle of levelling a spellbinder to feel its OPness. Hope it will not be nerfed that bad… :flushed:

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Try these one :

AoM Components seems better for Spamming Spells :wink:

Just use Full Elemental Conversions, your Devastation will deal more Aether Damage :slight_smile:

It also has fast MQ kill times :


Unless they slam CDR to shit (i.e. capping CDR to 25%, and reducing Aeon’s CD reset to 4s), binders will always be viable. MoT and Mirror chain very well together.

And even if the above speculation were come to pass, you can still bridge mirror and MoT with ishtak.

I seriously wouldn’t worry about it

Can you give us a clue, what kind of nerf that will afflict Spellbinder?

Yeah, I am cooking up a DW spellbinder that rely solely on MoT & MoE chaining to survive. the devotion path is also quite tight, certainly there will be no room for nature’s guardian

If crate really nerfing spellbinder’s MoT & MoE to the ground, it will be quite hard to survive with spellbinder.

@fluff: I hope so, current changes from latest couples of update have been positive so far, so I am quite optimistic. I am really looking forward on how crate revamping pet build though… :slight_smile:

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If crate really nerfing spellbinder’s MoT & MoE to the ground, it will be quite hard to survive with spellbinder.

Krieg binder with Haunt relic is nearly immortal w/o chaining broken spells =)

If you aren’t just way too lazy to time, you are not affected at all as a spellbinder imo.

It will just demand more focus

Hope the will intervene on MoT, but NOT on MoE, arcanist class per se doesn’t need any nerf

Mirror/Mark/TD nerf confirmed!

Seriously, unless core game mechanics change (yeah, even of TD is nerfed to unplayability), Binder will never fall out of top tier unless Crate also wants to dumpster classes like Apostate.

Nerf Arcanist/Necro skills? Hurts other classes more. Nerf Aether devotions? Hurts other classes more. Nerf Aether items? There’s a lot of them and binder can use nearly all of them with great effect. No way they’ll all be nerfed. If adding a bit of ‘skill’ is what will happen to binder next patch, then I think that’s the final adjustment to be made for them unless Crate spices things up in the xpac.

These were a part of the in-progress notes that Zantai posted some time ago in the DA stacking discussion topic:

iginally Posted by Zantai
[Class & Skills]
Time Dilation: increased cooldown by 1s

Mirror of Ereoctes: duration now partially scales with rank, starting at 2s and scaling up to its original values of 3s by rank 6

I would call it a nerf if they remove CDR affection from TD and put 3s at rank 22 of mirror. Even then its hardly noticeable.
Don’t forget - you can always put on Necro hoody and run around with 8 seconds of MoT. :smiley:

Try these one :

AoM Components seems better for Spamming Spells

thanks mate, that does look very interesting indeed!
the whole idea came from being able to use CB though…

I do feel a bit assured now that I realized CB shotguns and what that means, for example that this build is actually quite viable
I was also considering another route if I would drop CB, AAR also works and actually gives me a faster clear speed on mad queen
it’s very mana-hungry though (which is by the way not a problem with the ulzuin’s buff in crucible)


I may try your take on spellbinders too at a point though, I really like it!

If you aren’t just way too lazy to time, you are not affected at all as a spellbinder imo.

It will just demand more focus

I actually needed to train a bit to get the hang of the way this plays,timing is crucial!

I was also considering another route if I would drop CB, AAR also works and actually gives me a faster clear speed on mad queen
it’s very mana-hungry though (which is by the way not a problem with the ulzuin’s buff in crucible)

AAR problem that it sucks at what it supposed to be good - single target dmg. If you drop Devastation from that build it would take forever to kill MQ -you simply wont do enough dps to burst her healing. But if you drop AAR from that build you can kill her well-under 10 seconds.
So why would anyone invest in AAR if CT do more dmg and provide AoE and sustain?

Nice vid !
actually you can try using Nullification to stop MQ red aura.
“I actually needed to train a bit to get the hang of the way this plays,timing is crucial!” yes, you can even facetank her later :slight_smile:

Since AAR is chanelling skills and you have a lot of spells that interrupt it, transmuted CT is better, like ptiro shown

I see, thanks for the reply Fluff :slight_smile:

Thanks for pointing out mate :slight_smile:

AAR problem that it sucks at what it supposed to be good - single target dmg. If you drop Devastation from that build it would take forever to kill MQ -you simply wont do enough dps to burst her healing. But if you drop AAR from that build you can kill her well-under 10 seconds.
So why would anyone invest in AAR if CT do more dmg and provide AoE and sustain?

I haven’t tried CT yet, so that is something worth looking into, thanks!

back to the topic of chaos bolt, I would like to add that although it gives nice results in melee range, that doesn’t make it good
damage wise it’s a terrible terrible ranged caster skill, which it’s supposed to be right?

Nice vid !
actually you can try using Nullification to stop MQ red aura

back to the topic of focus and training that is yet another skill to work into the routine, but I suppose that can be timed as well
macro’s can be really helpful
I already use macro’s for mirror-SS and Mot-Mirror-SS, MoT-Null-Mirror-SS may work well because in the rhythm of the fight you get the red aura around the same time that mirror starts to run out OR you can time the second macro on it

pretty close…

