Tier 3 Roads

I know it’s been said before on the fourm, but I think it’d be a nice addition to the game to have Tier 3 Roads. Upgrading (and/or building directly) from Cobblestone Roads into Brick Roads would be nice aesthetically with Manors/Mansions and they’d match the upgraded paved Parks/Plazas during the late-game. Additionally, it’d be nice if they provided a little bump in movement speed.


maybe with planted trees and bushes on the sides it could provide a desirability bonus too make it worthwhile using bricks as an upgrade

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Personally, I just want plain Brick Roads. I do like the idea of trees/bushes providing a little bump in desirability; however, I don’t have any issue achieveing 100% or greater desirability by placing gardens, etc. within my 9x9 housing areas. Maybe roads with trees/bushes could be a Tier 4 option? I am unsure of how it’d look to have ALL the roads being bush/tree-lined. For example, roads extending out of the main settlement; it might look odd having a tree-lined road leading out to a coal mine.

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Anything that makes troops move faster!

Enough of them slowly walking to the other side of town thats on fire and under attack :laughing:

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