Tier 3 walls would still be nice

I know Zantai has said we would still layer them, but thicker beefier walls of T3/4/5 would be nice. Not just for aesthetic reasons (but they really would look a lot nicer than the way four layers of walls looks now). It would give players another way to invest resources at later tiers/“endgame”. I suppose you’d have to tear down the lower tier walls to put in the thicker ones, since with 2 layers of wall the system probably wouldn’t let you upgrade both walls into one big one, but that would also add some sense of risk to the upgrade - can you get the better walls put in before the next raid shows up?


I agree 100%. I like to play with combat, but I hate how the 3+ layers of stone walls looks. I am sure this suggestion could be implemented relatively easily. Some of us try for both Vanquisher level combat and still try to craft the beautiful settlement. On that same note, many more decorations would be good; fountains, memorial sites maybe, etc.

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that and walkable walls u can place your archers on with a range bonus and missile protection bonus


That would be nice, but it should then be balanced out by allowing raiders to scale the walls with ladders or siege towers or something similar.

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sure. makes sense… maybe expand their troop types too…

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