Tiny things that don't affect balance as much but can be easily improved

Just the collection of observations about small things that were a bit forgotten/fell behind with all the big balancing changes that latest patches brought.

1) Global physical to cold conversion on Night’s Embrace amulet.

seems to be eating away from Pierce damage if you want to use it on Pierce builds. And amulet seems to be as much Pierce as it is Cold. Plus this physical to cold conversion for cold helps literally no build and looks to me like the artefact of the old design.

2) Lack of Vitality damage on Bloodsurge amulet

This amulet is basically mandatory for any Vitality Vines builds and yet it has Physical damage (Physical Vines is not really a thing despite their innate damage being Physical) and Pierce damage (I guess for that one exotic Pierce Vines builds that uses Gutripper). As a physical damage amulet it’s basically Mogara’s fangs:


Which is really easy to farm out and which will surpass Bloodsurge with any half decent affix combination. So switching it into Vitality/Bleeding/Pierce amulet would make a lot of sense.

3) Physical to Fire conversion on the Shard of Eternal Flame

Amulet already converts Forcewave fully into Fire, but then global conversion and more importantly conversion into Fire for Vire’s Might really kills this amulet as the potential Physical Vire’s Might item.

Thing is Vire’s Might can be converted into Fire* via skill transmuter for 2handers and Shield builds and Vanquisher (or custom Fire VM build) can use Zarthuzellan’s Archive to convert it into fire. While Physical Vire’s Might remains an exotic option as it lacks any adequate item support and is spoiled by conversions like Eternal Flame has.

4) Ulzuin’s Pyroclasm relic’s flat burn bonus should be something else

It’s the only Demolitionist’s relic that supports Lightning damage (despite Demo’s identity being a Lightning mastery as much as it is a Fire mastery), proc only contains direct damage and retal damage, no dots and yet flat damage bonus is this useless Burn.
Reason why it’s useless (or extremely niche) is that Demolitionists will pick up either Korvaak relic or Annihilation for Fire/Burn based builds 99% of the time.
I suggest changing this bonus to flat Lightning damage and (if it’s not too much already) adding attack speed too.

5) Skill bonuses to Occultist’s relics.

It’s bad enough that Occultist is probably the most memed on mastery for non-pet builds. But then its best relics’ skill bonuses give bonuses to Occultist’s pet skills. Like is the technology not there to fix this silliness? Because pet Occultists never those relics. So why not just limit the pool of skills to non-pet skills?

I will add more of those small things as I remember them, meanwhile, you can add yours. But let’s focus this thread on really small changes and keep suggestions for the big ones for seperate threads.


Winter King´s Might skill has also been forgotten compared to Oblivion and Obsidian Tremor…


Agreed, the league got rid of this couple seasons ago.

Could go, but I don’t want to see the VM transmuter go tbh. It’s still great for custom fire that uses no 2h and no shield.

+1 to that.

Maybe it should be made a thing then.


Cinderscorn could cover that :thinking: , unsure if it’s “good enough” to consider/warrant booting the conversion mod off the necklace for tho/if there are more ideal weapons to use on custom setups where shard then would need it

didn’t suggest that, Transmuter should stay of course

I don’t mind but it’s just hard to not get ruined by armor on a spell like that, needs like a proper dedicated set with some powerful mods


minus armour to grasping vines on blood surge instead of teh bleed mod?

I don’t think that makes it viable for Phys Vines still. There is no gear for phys Vines as well. Like Acid and Vitality Vines and Pierce Vines all have gear with extra duration, weapon damage, extra flat, crit. Physical Vines got just this* mod and for phys it’s really not much at all.

ye then it seems like it was made just to be converted :sweat_smile:
not like it’s a low level item that could have been used to level with vines :smile:

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Remembered another one that has bothered me for quite some time now: Ulzuin’s Pyroclasm relic flat damage bonus, added it to op.

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i kinda agree that it would be neat if Demo had a relic with not just flat fires
i just can’t help but feel it’s kinda “harsh” to say the Burn is useless :sweat_smile: - and the reason we take Korvaak is for the relic stats (oa/da/slow) not the manually activated burn skill
(which often/on more builds than not kinda annoys me is manually activated ngl and ends up unused :neutral_face:)

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Harsh but true. To make use of it you need some big weapon damage modifiers that allow you to multiply that flat Burn. But I am yet to see a Burn build that does that (and like with what skills). Burn demo casters rarely have any half-decent weapon damage modifiers in their arsenal.

Skill is a bit awkward to use, not gonna lie. I wish it wasn’t an attack but like a big aoe explosion kinda like Pyran’s set skill but bigger. I tried to use it on a Fire Bomberman SB and even with pistol is still really really akward to use.


i think one place where i used it was spam bwc to try get some energy leech via the WD, and it still felt kinda annoying but then also because i had to use it/being my main source of energy :sweat_smile:
idono, generally auto procs can just often be nicer imo, - but maybe there is something on Eruption that make it slightly extra clunky on the manual aspect on top

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Aaand remembered of another one: completion skill bonuses on Occultist’s relics.

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Just an omission in the patch notes. It was included in the changes.