There are too many healer monsters spawned in SR, too many!
It feels like they are everywhere, especially hiding somewhere near a nemesis and waiting to heal the nemesis to full after you spend half a minute on it and almost kill it.
Some of them are too hard to notice, especially those champion class ones.
Some of them appear in group (“kinux"and"ganux”, Hagras and Ounasteria, Torraxsteria) and they always heal each other and there is no ending, making them impossible to kill by most builds.
The only reasonable ones are those of Chthonics and Insectoids race at the same time, because they are easy to notice, after all.
Can confirm, though IMO the problem is not so much that they are everywhere, but more that they spawn in packs. If you have one in isolation you just beat him up, but in groups if you start DPSing one down, the others will heal him back up. And since some of them are humanoid (Korvaak’s Chosen, Possessed Myrmidons, those Enchanted Armor guys etc.), they can come stacked with some pretty beefy resist gear (some even have insane resistances before gear). The worst of these are the Ancient Armor guys, since they all have a built-in heal plus Vire’s Might. The rest you can mostly lose and ignore but these guys… Even if you conclude that you can’t DPS them down cause they just constantly heal up at apparently zero cooldown according to GT (what???), you can’t shake these bastards, they’ll keep charging after you healing up whatever else you try to kill.
Throw some arcane in-between and u got the perfect cancer trio or quadruple there to fight with. Been there done that. Solution? I guess, ignore the pack and move on to different, ofc not when your only passage way is blocked but I get your point.
I don’t like SR’s mostly because of this, it is unfortunate as it is the primary end game mode. But those healers, man… I didn’t bother posting about it cause someone would just come up and tell me to get good or something and ultimately nothing would change.
Problem with them is, well, anything that even remotely looks like a mage, i assume it’s a healer, and most of the time, they are. Healing anything to full in an instant with a laughably low cooldown doesn’t make sense, especially when you encounter a freaking 4 healer pack (sometimes 2 of those same pack in the same level) who also happen to have insane resistant gear on top of insane damage reduction spells etc.
SR’s are just insanely random and unbalanced. An SR 80 level can be cakewalk and another SR 50 level with multi-healer groups will be a nightmare.
Today I meant this guy Hagras Aetherflame in SR76 with an elec build of mine and it took me like 2min trying to kill it but I finally failed. There was an hourglass mutator. It was like, I managed to hit it to ~10% and it suddenly became immune to my damage and then it healed itself to full. Because it was wearing incredible ele-resist gears and it has incredible Damage Absoption with super low CD