[Tool] AutoHotkey scripts

Ok, thanks for explanation. I get it and it makes perfect sense. You are right, automated positioning can mess you up but is often good for me because I absolutely lack skill (I suck at FPS games).

This style of coding is to professional for me :wink:
Why do you start with

send {blind}{shift up}

? Looks really hacky. But Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a reason (you were talking about problems with shift before)

In Grim Dawn I personally donā€™t have problems with attack skills (i.e. Primal Strike) on Left Click and moving + fighting with the same key. However in Diablo 3 I remember having scripted Force Move if I hold the button and standard click if I donā€™t. It was simple


    KeyWait, LButton, T0.2
    if ErrorLevel
        while GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
            Send {%forceMove%}
            Sleep, 100

I was thinking about detection too some time ago but I donā€™t think itā€™s possible (at least for me).

As far as Capslock + Event mode are concerned, Iā€™ve got no clue but I also havenā€™t really looked much into it :slight_smile:

I had problems to achieve the following in AHK (at the same time):

  • you hold left button and then you start hold right button -> you move but movement skill is used when itā€™s not on cooldown
  • you hold right click (movement skill should be cast when not on cooldown) and then you start holding the Left Click -> you should also move and use movement skill when itā€™s not on cooldown

(I like holding button instead of clicking it from time to time)

For some reason Right and Left Click block each other and there was always something wrong no matter how I wrote it (but of course I didnā€™t try really complicated stuff like you) but if you use Space there are no problems. For example you stopped moving or movement skill didnā€™t work.

its not ā€˜neededā€™ for the script to fuction, but that line solved some problems i coudnt nail down exactly with modifier keys i had in several games/scripts in situation where framerates went down.
(see also down / downtemp and downr)
Since it doesnt hurt (at least i think it doesnt), i put it as prophylaxis

about blind: if you have something like send a, ahk does internally (re)sets the modifier keys for that send to get an ā€˜aā€™ and not A or ctrl-a etc in case modifier keys are active while that send happens.
Means thers alot of status changes, that are not needed, because the game reads the raw key anyway.

blind reduces the ā€˜spamā€™ = less chance for stuff gets fucked up. (could als try to send it as keycode)

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yea, (im also lazy and tend to prefer the same:) ) - hmm, ill try to fiddle around that next days, but not now. just spend the last days with finetuning and rewriting the script (the timer section needs a comple rewrite with proper timer management and a s function, not as simple subroutines) so i actually want to play the game the next free hours :slight_smile:

but that problem hooked me, so , lets see :wink:

ps: can you tell me what skill/stuff is bound to L/Rbutton to get a proper impression?

More details
On right click I would like just the movement skill
but on left click I have Primal Strike, Wind Devils are cast automatically when I hold left click and also 2 other skills are cast when I hold Left Click and Shift at the same time :slight_smile: (I have already scripted it)

I think itā€™s impossible. Movement stops when you hold Right Button and thereā€™s nothing to be done about it? This is even without any scripts.

ad hoc (aka not thinking involved yet) , you could set the ā€˜otherā€™ button to up while doing stuff and set it down afterwards.

ad hoc2: while holding lbutton (moving/attacking/whatever) i let my char cast aoe leech dot + centered inq seal + optional stuff, then, when sequence finished just continue running etc. before i fixed it, it always stopped after the castsequence (bc i had to bolck input while center casting) even though the lbutton was kept pressing. it sounds similar at least. - but need to think through.

p.s means - while you hold rightbutton put soemthing like below in the rbutton hotkey at the end

if GetKeyState("LButton", "p")
		send, {Lbutton down} 

looks odd at the first moment, pressing a key that is pressed already, but it actually solves things. it will reset the keystatus for the game as nothing happened. and your char should continue running etc.

*or vice versa

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Tried it, it doesnā€™t work.
Right Click + Left Click just donā€™t work in Grim Dawn on a deeper level than AHK I think.
I even tried

    Send {4}
    send {LButton down} 

However I think the following worked (or maybe I just imagined that it worked?):

  • rebinding Right Click to some other key in your mouse software

i tend to agree, but cant say anything further about it unless i actually tried the exact problem in ahk. atm it would only be speculation. i know that i tried combining both buttons like you did, in a similar way in some early script versions but didnt find any solution, got annoyed and used an alternative solution. though forgot yet the details :slight_smile:

eg the ā€œ~ā€ hotkey modifier is a game changer in some scenarios (and theres so much detail that matters for the outcome), so its really hard to generally predict

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Trying it with ~ was the first thing I did of course :slight_smile:
~ is beautiful

What about this code. Doesnā€™t it work either?

~*LButton & RButton::

  MsgBox You pressed RButton while holding down LButton

Thanks for help but weā€™re trying to do something else. In Grim Dawn, without any scripts, when you use Right Click skill by holding the button, movement on Left Click stops and vice versa. This is an in-game problem that doesnā€™t seem to have any solution. I want to have to native skills/actions of Right Click and Left Click active when I hold these button together (i.e. running + movement skills when itā€™s not on cooldown when holding two mouse buttons). And it has to work both ways - when you first hold LMB and then RMB and vice versa (I think I achieved one direction with some code). The only solution Iā€™ve found (if I remember correctly) was remapping Right Click to some other key in Mouse Software, not in AHK.

But you know what? Iā€™ll test your code because honestly I havenā€™t used this method but I donā€™t have high hopes.

For your case RButton needs to have tilda too . Like
~*LButton & ~*RButton ::

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First tested

~LButton & ~RButton::
    MsgBox, test

~RButton & ~LButton::
    MsgBox, test2

To check whether these hotkeys activate and they do. Then I deleted MsgBox:

~LButton & ~RButton::

~RButton & ~LButton::

and unfortunately it doesnā€™t work. I never moves and jumpes ā€œat the same timeā€ when you holding LMB + RMB. Only once action depending on last clicked button. It just doesnā€™t work using conventional methods. Iā€™ll try one more thing and then I give up.

Ok. Thanks, I made it work perfectly! Itā€™s ugly though. @ncience

LButton & RButton::
    while GetKeyState("LButton", "P") and GetKeyState("RButton", "P")
        Click, Right
        Sleep, 100
    while GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
        Sleep, 100
    while GetKeyState("RButton", "P")
        Click, Right
        Sleep, 100

RButton & LButton::
    while GetKeyState("LButton", "P") and GetKeyState("RButton", "P")
        Click, Right
        Sleep, 100
    while GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
        Sleep, 100
    while GetKeyState("RButton", "P")
        Click, Right
        Sleep, 100

Imma use it from now on in my script unless someone finds something neater.

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GZ! tenacity always pays!
if its ugly or not is just the B-Score, once you have something working the beautifying of code comes by time :slight_smile:
just back from errands, guess what, i had an ahk loop in my head about that problem, but now you got it running, i can cast a break :slight_smile: - prob ppl like me have, that they have hard time to switch focus, once hooked. - want to play the game now for 2 days and havent killed one mob yet :slight_smile:

but ill be definitely trying to find an alternative method over the weekend (and im sure there is)

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Iā€™d like to inform that Iā€™m going back from

SetTitleMatchMode, 3
#IfWinActive, Grim Dawn


    Sleep, 1000
    if WinActive("Grim Dawn", , "Grim Dawn ")
        if hotkeys_turned_on
    else if !hotkeys_turned_on
    hotkeys_turned_on ^= true
    Suspend, Toggle

because stopped working (reliably or at all) for me again whereas the second version has always worked without any problems.

that # directive only works for included (location in the script) hotkeys and hotstrings, not for other stuff thats running!

Creates context-sensitive hotkeys and hotstrings. Such hotkeys perform a different action (or none at all) depending on the type of window that is active or exists.


its positional: it affects all hotkeys and hotstrings physically beneath it in the script. #If and #IfWin are also mutually exclusive; that is, only the most recent #If or #IfWin will be in effect.

thats why u should use either the #if / #ifwin.. (expression) directive for the hotkeys or if with the winactive() function for all other stuff.

tip: since you use the first parameter (wintitle, not wintext) you can use

ahk_exe Process Name/Path

to foolproof specify the target. So no more errorneus behaviour if your script is named Grim Dawn too or have an BrowserTab with that title


you motivated me to revisit my forcemove while having a target attacking.
formerly i did that by triggering a timed event in Rbutton hotkey (see above)

now i did something different and i like it (moar):

LButton & RButton::
	;send {Rbutton up} 
	;thats an interesting one: seems to be the only method to 'hide' it from the game, the game gets the physical r click.
	;but you (logically) lift it so fast again, that the bound action is discarded by the game (myguess). got the acton oppressed for like ~ 50% of the times, so its not reliable (yet) 
        ;UPDATE: its even mandatory to uncomment, if you dont have a hotkey for Rbutton. Seems to be a big difference if its hooked or not. So things are complicated

	while GetKeyState("LButton", "P") && GetKeyState("RButton", "P") && !GetKeyState("SHIFT", "p") ;&& (stopped = 0)
			send {Lbutton down}  ;mandatory!
			send {blind}{f down}  ;forced move
                        sleep, 100
	send {blind}{f up}
	;send {Lbutton up}  <- if uncommented, you have to reattach the target by physically lift the Lmouse button and reclick it, w/o it just continues attacking

so, what is it?
its blue light
yes, but what does it do?
it shines blue ā€¦ err ā€¦ :

you attack stuff via Lbutton (no modifiers, no hold position), when additionally pressing Rbutton and hold, it switches immediately (but with 1x executing the in game bound Rbutton action, hard to supress. but its in my case even beneficial) to force move as ā€œmove toā€ would have been bound to Lbutton
if you keep holding Lbutton and release Rbutton it instantly continues attacking.

formerly i had:

	gosub, Lbuttonparallelaction

.. other code

IfWinActive, %clientstring%
		While ( GetKeyState("LButton", "p") && !GetKeyState("RButton", "p") && (stopped = 0))
				if (onsleep = 0) ;is timer free?
						SetTimer, reapspirit, -20 ;we need it as a seperate thread
				sleep, %sleepvalue%
				if (onsleep_2 = 0) ;is timer free
						SetTimer, stormbox, -20: same here
				sleep, 200 ;
		;~ While ( GetKeyState("LButton", "p") && GetKeyState("RButton", "p") && (stopped = 0)) 
				;~ {
					;~ send {blind}{f down} ;move to
				;~ }
		;~ send {blind}{f up}

that worked too, but i neither like the desgn nor the fact that but the walk stuff is in the same thread.

first solution is its own thread and feels more responsive too.

so one problem for AHK is, as already stated, that it cant hide the mousebuttons from the game. at least im not aware of any method (the hook, admin rights or not, doesnt block it) so if we need in whatever case to hide the buttons from the game, it has to be done by the underlying mousedriver remapping or similar level tool afaik.

(Pillars of Eternity voice) : ā€œFound something!ā€

There we go :sunglasses: :


Would you mind explaining what it could possibly help with?