[Tool] GD Stash

The D3 affixes still doesn’t show.
When I select the “blank” from the selected mod drop down option it shows all of my stuff on stash/char transfer and only GD affixes is shown when I try to craft.
But when I select PoGD, it doesn’t show anything. I can’t even click the tabs on your tool. Just the stuff on configuration tab.

In that case you need to import PoGD first, but with the errors you get, that does not work, so… basically you have to wait for a new release of GD Stash

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Version 1.5.2c released

Fixes the issue with PoGD skill descriptions being too long


W O W!

I can’t believe it!
My wishes came true!
I truly am grateful! :pray:t4::raised_hands:t4::ok_hand:t4:

Hey there, i got some questions and feedback about the tool.
I was using it like a year ago and was having a blast. Now it seems like something is off and i got a couple of questions:

  1. Is there any way to overview all of my items, like it was before? Without searching for specific item?
  2. Is there any way to automatically transfer items, like it was before - from last stash tab?

I just moved my entire tab to DB but i can’t find some of the items that i moved, which is really weird. When im trying to put the items that i cannot find it says that the item is already in DB. And i can’t take a look at all of the items in the stash, because can’t find that option.

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think you’re confusing GDStash with Grim Dawn Item Assistant. While in GDStash you can see what you’ve found and what you haven’t, you’ve never been able to see your whole collection. And the stash has never transferred automatically.

This is what you’re talking about I believe

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Thanks! That’s what i was looking for :slight_smile:

I’ve been using GD stash for a while, and I’m having a problem with my components. Whatever component is in the stash keeps being duplicated. Example, all the Polished Emeralds have the exact same seed and when I go to delete them, it just duplicates the entire stack. If it doesn’t duplicate the stack, it just doesn’t delete them. Whenever I take some and transfer it to the in-game stash, it doesn’t decrease the value stored, it just duplicates it. This also goes for all the different components, not just the Polished Emeralds. Does this mean I need to delete my database and start fresh? Or is there a work around?

I was using GD stash and I messed something up and can’t figure out what I did and how to roll it back.

My Vanilla transfer stash got copied to my

AoM mod transfer stash

and I can’t figure out how to move it back.

pressing ‘Delete’ deletes 100 items from the stack, not the entire stack. Nothing should be duplicated this way however. When you do a new search, do you have that many polished emeralds in different stacks or is this some kind of display problem ?

I am pretty sure you did nothing wrong and what you wrote above is not what actually happened.

For one, the two stashes are different, so one is not a copy of the other. For another, there is no way you did this with GD Stash, as it has no such functionality.

I assume what happened is that FG created the AoM stash (from the FG stash, not the Vanilla stash), it sometimes does that when it does not exist, not sure when or why.

You can ignore both, they are only used if you were to disable the expansions (to play MP with someone who does not own them)

When I try searching again, the duplicate stacks go away, however there is still multiple different stacks with the same seed. If I try deleting them, it just ends up like the picture from my last post. I can still take infinitely from both stacks. I don’t know what caused them to split with the same seed, and its not like they’ve hit a stack cap since they all have a different size count.

First stack with seed:

Second stack just below, with the exact same seed:

Hello. I seem to be in need of non-medical assistance.

I started using both GD Stash and also Dawn of Masteries, right? I’m trying to move items from the core game to DoM - scrap, components, elixirs, etc. Can I do that with GD Stash and if so, how so?

Assuming you have those items in GD Stash already, select the mod’s shared stash but the vanilla DB in GD Stash, then select whatever you need and place it in the shared stash of the mod.

If you have it on a char or in the vanilla shared stash, copy the char / stash to the mod’s location (save\user for chars, save\modname for stashes). Open the copy in GD Stash, set the mod flag in the char or select the mod from the drop-down list for the stash.

So I can’t do a batch move - only one item at a time?

You could export the data from one DB and import it in the other using the Im / Export page.

Either simply press ‘Export DB Stash’ (which exports all items to a file) or ‘Search’ items first, then mark the ones you want to export and only then press ‘Export DB Stash’.

Switch the DB to the mod, then go back to Im / Export and press ‘Load GD Stash file’. Mark the items to import and then press ‘Import items’

That’ll have to work, I suppose. I’m slowly getting the hang of how everything works, so I think I can figure out the rest.

Thanks much.

Updated the previous reply with more details

but when I play GD now, my transfer stash is gone on my vanilla characters.

then copy the transfer.cst and rename the copy transfer.gst

or check for a transfer.t00 file, copy that and rename it. That is the latest backup GD Stash made.

Not sure how you managed to delete your shared stash, but GD Stash has nothing to do with that… are you using cloud save ? That to me is pretty much the only explanation, short of you deleting it in Explorer

The .bst / .cst is definitely something GD creates though